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You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere -where would you go?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

You have just been given a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, and you have to take it now.

Where would you go? (forgetting your circumstances with home, job, children etc)

#Free Plane travel
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France and Greece preferably but anywhere (at present) would be good!
by Fran
I would not go anywhere actually -I have a sick old dog, and do not want to board him if not necessary, so would give the trip to my kids.

Though I did make the questions forgetting circumstances, so guess I have to forget the above.

I would go to Europe, parts of France, and probably Greece as that is one place I have not been to and on the way back would go to see friends in the U.S.
by Finy
I would go to England to meet those of my Dad's family still alive there. Dad came out from England when he was in his thirties. I have cousins there and a couple of aunties whom I would like to meet. I would also like to travel around England to see places i have read about and seen on television and in movies.It would be great to see London.
If I had been given a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world I would go to Japan as I would love to see their Culture and the Lifestyle.

I'd go back home
by AJ
Jonaj, what a pretty picture, so representative of PARIS!
Is it a watercolour?
by donjo
yes I think it is a watercolour :)
by jonaja
Good choice, Jonaj. I very much hope you do get there 1 day. That's a lovely picture you used.
by Miro
Thanks Miro :)
by jonaja
I have no idea - so many places, so little time! Would depend on what was happening in my life at the time and what was happening in the world at the time - wars, riots, weather, currency rates, plane crashes! But it'd be wonderful to have that option!
I'd probably book a trip to the UK or Europe. I travel to Asia regularly (which I love very much), but tickets there are usually pretty cheap, thanks to the budget airlines that have sprung up over the last decade or so. However, Europe is still a bit pricey, so I've only been there once. Therefore, if a free ticket fell into my grasp, it's Europe I'd head for first.
The French and Italian riviera. I traveled through there years ago and would love to go back and take more time in my favourite spots.
Would love to go to England, India or the UAE
London, so I can 'jump off' to so many other countries/cities!
new york
Back to PARIS for the 6th time. I fell in love with the place while living there for 10 weeks with my parents in the summer of '68.
by Miro
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