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You can choose your last meal, what would it be?

by Finy (follow)
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If you could choose your last meal, what would it consist of?

Would you make it yourself or go out to eat it?

#Last Meal
#Make Believe
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I think mine would have to be Nestles Sweetened Condensed Milk.
I just adore it when it has been in the fridge, and used to hide it from my kids so I would get it all.

Unfortunately one of my children, always seemed to find it and would eat some.

Sadly, I do not eat it anymore as I have become more health conscious with age and it is almost pure sugar.

Odd as I don't like really sweet cakes.
And I know this is not a meal, but it would be one thing I would like to be the last thing I eat...
by Finy
That was a childhood favourite of mine as well. Mum always had it in the fridge to make the mayonnaise with. I loved it when I was asked to make it because it meant that I could lick the spoon when finished.
My last meal would have to be a buffet...then I wouldn't have to choose!!
Cake, cake and more cake. I would by a custard and cream torte and eat as much as I could!
A bowl of cereal
by AJ
2 dozen oysters natural, roast pork with an awful lot of crackling, lemon tart. Thank you
oh fran, that sounds delicious!
by Finy
Fancy a guest at table ? :)
by Aliso
I'd go for mexican food, like the stuff I make at home. Chicken and steak fajitas, tacos, flautas and heaps of guacamole and sour cream. Maybe some churros to finish. Yum!

If I knew it was my last meal.
If last meal on earth....I would go for takeaway....Kentucky fried chicken or a pizza (very rarely have it now as conscious of health but it wouldn't matter I was not going to be here very long!
by Fran
There is a Chinese food restaurant in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada called the Lingnan. I would want to eat there. Their food is amazing, it's known throughout the city, in fact it's so popular there was even a reality show about the restaurant on the Food Network for a while.
I could not eat anything knowing it's my last meal.
I have overeaten everything I love so many times...nothing will have appeal.
Will use my that meal time to spend with my children.
by Zen
I totally agree with you.
In fact! I wonder 'if' people would not throw up, from fear if it was their last meal?
by jonaja
My last meal would have to be a feast and very stylish, with all my loved ones present at the table.
AND I would probably go to the most expensive place in town to have this feast and pay on credit card!!! *wink*
Anything Italian made by a real Italian cook
Baked Cheese Cake from Austria.Since it's going to be my last meal who's gonna worry about Calorie control & Cholestral ? Eat & be merry.
Shane, Don't 'they' say, "Life's short, eat dessert 1st" ! I always look at the dessert menu before the main menu in a restaurant!
by Miro
Mine would be something that that came from a tree that had not been planted yet and took a long tome to produce fruit.
Clever answer!
by norma
Well, a dozen or more dishes crossed my mind then a deep thought struck me.. If indeed it would be my last meal I'd probably lose all appetite, hunger or care for having food.. unless served or coaxed in to eating something by one I love!
My last meal would be a roast, prepared and served by a close family member, because this meal evokes so many memories and is pure notalgia and comfort food. It would include Yorkshire puddings with lots of gravy and would be finished off with biscuit crust no bake cheese cake. These two things invigorate all of the taste buds, all of the emotions and are both comfort food and a decent dose of sugar, and you can eat lots and lots until you fall asleep so contented and wholesome......
It would have to be a 3 course meal.. Soft shell crab simply fried to start. Curry laksa with eggplant.. Then a cheese board with extra Brie to finish an I'm done
egg and chips with baked beans. Bread and butter to mop,up,the egg yolk. A mug of tea to wash it all down. I'm a girl,of simple pleasures !
Oysters au Naturel, Tiger Prawns & a 'Muddie' (last two, cooked, of course!)

Washed down with a very cold Brown Bros 'Crouchen Reisling'!
Very satisfying!
Cheesecake, cheesecake and more cheesecake - what would it matter about the calories - die happy!
1 very big lobster, soft shell crab, 6 differently made tiramisu's, & real Champagne. Yum!
by Miro
PS: I would defiantly be be dinning OUT!
by Miro
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