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Would you wear vintage fur?

by EricaL (follow)
Fashion (139)      Fur coat (1)     
Wearing animal fur raises heated debates, yet fur jackets continuously crawl their way back into fashion.

Fur coats can be found in many second-hand shops. We all know recycling is good for the environment, and animals are not sacrificed twice for second-hand fur garments, so is it safe to say vintage fur is acceptable?

What are your thoughts? Would you wear vintage fur?

#Fur coat
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I can see the logic of saying that an animal didn't die for you to have it because it's vintage. However, wearing it at all perpetuates the notion that wearing fur is cool and indirectly feeds the demand for it. Personally the idea of wearing a dead animal's fur grosses me out a bit. I don't know why it bothers me more than leather, but it does. Especially the furs that have the animal's stuffed head and claws or tail still attached. Yuck!
I have a few vintage furs that I do wear occasionally. They were my mums, and now they're mine. I wouldn't go out and buy a new fur, but these ones are quite special to me.
My response is similar to Tash's. I have a fur that was my grandmothers so it's got some sentimental value. That said, I actually don't really like the look of fur so I haven't worn it anywhere, but I'll keep it for the rest of my life and pass it on to my children.
I'm not a big fan of the feel or look of fur so is not wear it myself vintage or not. I think if its of sentimental value, I can understand why you'd keep it and maybe wear it.
This is a good question. I personally don't like the idea of wearing an animal that was killed for the purpose of fashion. However, I have to admit, I wear leather shoes which is technically the same thing.
I do think, however, vintage fur, is a little outdated at the moment. But like the 80's fashion has returned I believe that vintage fur may just make the head lines down the track.
Not sure on this one. It depends on how great the clothing feels on you.
Yes, have no problem wearing fur, vintage, or otherwise.

I have my late Mother's FOX (not 'faux'!) Fur.
I love it, love its' brown colour, & wear it as often as possible, in Memory of my Mother, plus it's very comfortable, & warm!
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