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Would you use a female urination device?

by Gia (follow)
Hygiene (43)      Men (25)      Urination (1)     

A female urination device or stand-to-pee device is a device which aids awoman to urinate while standing upright.

Would you use a female urination device?

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Quite possibly. It would depend on the circumstances and, frankly, just how desperate I was! I have pee-ed in all sorts of odd places in the past, so I would never rule anything out!
Not in a million years! Do they really have such things?
Yep. I have one. It's called a Whiz. It is so cool and they use them in the Armed Forces too. You can also buy a She Wee from any camping store. Doctors say it is better for womens' bladders to stand as we empty better. I take mine if we are travelling.
by Rice
Look maybe if I was in the bush!

But certainly not like in the picture....
I have seen it, and it is well made.
Never seen one, but I definitely wouldn't be using one. I don't think I'd even know how!
MMmm the risk of peeing on my shoes would delegate it to the status of "the very last option"
Trust me, you do NOT pee on your shoes.
by Rice
I love hiking and a friend of mine told me about those. I have tried them out and own one now myself, and they actually work quite well. A nice option when off on a trail and no bathrooms anywhere near us!

I would not use one in a place like in the picture though!
I have never seen anything like this. I imagine I'd get pee all over myself if I tried this standing. Would I use it...only if very desperate.
by Vee
I just looked this up. I've changed my answer to no. I would rather squat, thank you very much.
by Vee
........and just WHAT does one do with ones' underpants during this process?

Even sitting over edge of a fallen tree up scrub would seem easier!

Never seen one, nor wish to use one, by scant info here!
Undies slide sideways. Device fits snugly against vulva.
by Rice
I thought this was one of the most idiotic things I have seen but I think it could be quite useful in certain situations.
by Gia
I have never heard of that. If I can't get to a toilet I usually go behind a tree somewhere.
I used to have a friend that didn't need one she could pee standing up (I never inspected her method but witnessed it from behind).
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