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Would you use a bucket in the bathroom to save water?

by BK (follow)
Environment (72)      Water (30)      Shower (18)      Bathroom (13)      Energy (5)     

Flickr:Ludwig Simbajon

There is a calculator I came across where you can calculate the amount of water you use by filling in some details. I realized that even if you spend only 5 minutes in shower, there is a considerable amount of water usage. These numbers are just an estimate, but it made me think about using an old fashioned bucket in the bathroom.

Here is the link to calculator - Water Usage Calculator

Would you use a bucket to save water?

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Top Answers
If we were running out badly, maybe once in a while(every 3rd day).We do waste a lot of water, so I fully take your point.

Maybe in 2015, we all should just be that much more mindful, and not waste something we certainly take for granted on any given day.

Yes, I use a bucket to catch the water before it turns hot. I then use this on my garden.
Yes I would and I have done this already.
It's a good idea. I may do this.
by Vee
by BK
I did this at one stage but then stopped -not worth the effort and now having a back injury I cannot life a full bucket anyway!

I understand that a lot of water is wasted this way however have no choice AND I do not like having a bucket in the shower always -looks untidy!
by Finy
I actually do use it already. It saves a lot of water
I have 2 buckets in my shower space, for the excess shower water, which we tip over the garden, when the buckets are full.
by Miro
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