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Would you try Bunny Chow?

by Zen (follow)
Believes less is more and values experiences rather than material possessions. Weekend Notes profile. http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/244436/
Fast Food (11)      Spicy Curry (1)      South African (1)     

Bunny Chow
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Bunny chow, often referred to as a bunny, is a South African fast food dish consisting of a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with curry. It originated in the Durban Indian community.
Has any one tantalised their taste buds with this fast food?
Will you taste it if it was on the menu?

#Spicy Curry
#Fast Food
#South African
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Top Answers
Sounds very nice. I'd have a go.
Not for me, way toooo much food!
Hey Jonaj
Totally agree that it is too much for 1 person - it generally is a shared dish.
Food for Africa ...
by Zen
This would be good if it was made larger and not had as a main meal. It could be used as a starter and your guest just pull off small bits st s time.

We have one that has a seafood mix in the center.
That's the way to eat it - pull bits of it and its a shared experience.
Great time.
The seafood mix dish sounds delicious, what is it called.
by Zen
It's just a chunky seafood chowder with prawns, ling, crab, mussels, calamari and pippies. The bread is a home made damper.
by gbrow
It's just a chunky seafood chowder with prawns, ling, crab, mussels, calamari and pippies. The bread is a home made damper.
by gbrow
That's sounds really good , I will try that and advise .
Thank you.
by Zen
No, curry is not for me. Is rthe bread just the container or is that eaten too?
Bread to be eaten too.

by Zen
Sounds good! I'd give it a go for sure :)
So long as it has no real bunny, I would have a go.
by Vee
Bunny Free - Enjoy !!
by Zen
by Vee
Absolutely. I like to try all sorts of foods, we live in a great world with lots of variety
There's no way whatsoever that I could eat THAT much food in one meal!
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