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Would you try a funky hairstyle?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
Fashion (139)      Hairstyle (3)     
By Moribunt, wikimedia commons

Would you dare to sport a funky hairstyle or get a bizarre hair colour?

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At different times I have had natural dreads, blue and purple wool dreads and a shaved head. I was lucky to have the luxury to do that while I wasn't in a job where it wouldn't be allowed.
I've always wanted to dye my hair a fun, bright colour ever since seeing the movie Run Lola Run where the main character has choppy fire engine red hair. Haven't had the courage to do it yet, but one day. Maybe I'll ease into it with a few coloured streaks.
Uhhh.i dont think so..:)
sadly I am not past that, however i would have done when I was younger. Mind you I still have one side short, and one long deep red side!
And I wonder why I complain about my son's dirty looking dreds!
by Finy
I used to have a blue bob. Loved every minute of it! Have had short spiky hair and long hair. It's long and black at the moment and I love it!
ROFL! Ready to 'blast off' into space, somewhat!
by donjo
you know it!! :)

by jonaja
Not at all
oohhhh I would never do that.I can try doing different hair styles but not funky one.
As long as I don't have to lose my luscious locks, I'm keen for whatever! Short hair really does NOT suit my round face haha - I can go for different colours, different styles (steps), as long as the length doesn't change significantly!
Over the years I have had my hair every colour of t he rainbow several times. I now have dreadlocks and have had them for 18 years does that count?
I did it a few times in my young age days. Not something extreme, though. I cut my hair very very short, i dyed it in weird colors... things like that. I would not try anything really funky now. I might be too conservative for some people's taste, but I think there is an age for everything. There are experiences for teenagers, for 20 years old people and so on.
Not that funky but like the new colour people are wearing
Probably not, I prefer to stay safe with my hair
I'm not at all 'funky' or into 'fad hair colours'.
Am plain boring, in hair department! Kept very short, very thinned out, & is easy to look after!
No, I don't have the courage to do that.
No, not like this pic especially!
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