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Would you support your sons or daughters going to college or university to become a missionary?

by kirk3 (follow)
K. Watkis
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Would you support your sons or daughters going to college or university to become a missionary? Do you think it is feasible to invest in a type of education that is based on charity and philanthropy singularly?

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Not everything can be measure in $$ and cents. If they will be doing something meaningful I am ok with it. I think of Doctors without boarders who work in disease ridden and war torn areas risking their lives for other. I cant say that it was a waste for them to attend medical school.
by Gia
I'm with Jennifer. If they can take care of themselves and love what they are doing, then it would not be my place to stop them.
by Vee
I suppose so. I would be surprised if they made that choice since we are not bringing them up to be religious, and the life of a missionary is not something I'd choose for them, but its their lives, not mine. If they wanted to devote their lives to charity or philanthropy (which aren't necessarily religious) I would be proud of them.
Interesting. Thanks. So, let's say you are living in an impoverished community, would you be comfortable with them choice a career which may not be lucrative at all?
by kirk3
You'd have to have some minimal level of wealth for them to go to university at all. As long as they could support themselves and be happy that would be fine with me.
Yes. Why not?
We support friends who are missionaries, doing essential work in Africa and England. I don't think success or happiness should be measured solely by fiscal returns. Doing the right thing is more important and a much better motivator for long term contentment.
I don't have sons or daughters but if I did I would support them in whatever endeavour they chose. am a strong believer in people being allowed to follow their own path. If it turns out that path was a wrong turn, then I would support them on the journey back. It is beetter to have engaged in endeavour that to spend a lifetime wondering 'what if".
Yes. If that is what they wanted and it made them happy, then yes.
NO, There're enough God botherers' in the world as it is. To many, in fact.
Now we've got to contend with all the different CULTS out there as well. And there's plenty enough weirdo ones' of them. Just ask anybody who's 'defected' from SDA, PB, EB, LDS, & Scientology, of course!
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