Would you stand in a line to get into a restaurant or night club?

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Would you stand in a line to get into a particular restaurant, or night club, or would you just move on to the next one?
#Wait in line
#Line up for cafe
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This is one of my pet hates, and it would have to be a very good restaurant for me to line up -I did it once at this fabulous sushi place in Perth and would probably do it for there again, as there is no other like it.
However, I would generally not wait and give up.
Probably when I went to night clubs though, I would have stood in a line as when I was young I was not so fixed and rigid in my thinking and would "go with the flow" more than I do now.
Have done it, wouldn't do it again.
When I was younger,and going out in a group,we would sometimes wait to get into a nightclub,if it was a REALLY special one!! But I will never wait in line for a table at a restaurant.I feel that the diners are somehow under pressure to hurry their meal so another table can be filled!! When going out and paying a lot of money for a meal,I expect to be able to get my money's worth and enjoy the entire experience of the food,the service and of course the company!! I resent the idea of rushing a meal under any circumstances, and would prefer to go elsewhere ,even back home,than think of others being in the same situation as they eat THEIR meal,knowing that others are waiting for their table!!
I would with a Restaurant, because they must be doing something very 'right'.
I think it would be well worth it.
I have in Sydney waited for one very famous Seafood place, years ago.
It was well worth it too.
The answer is simply no. What for...place will the there the next day and the day after.
I used to queue for night clubs and it never bothered me at the time. It would depend on the restaurant if I would queue for it.
Not these days lol When I was younger and would go night clubbing I have waited to get into a club - mostly because there just aren't that many in the town I lived in so the options were wait or walk for miles to go to another...and run the risk of having to wait there as well! I've never lined up for a restaurant though - I would just move on to another!
Always make a reservation for a restaurant a couple of months' in advance, so queueing is not done, or required.
Night Club? Pfft! Been to TWO in my life, one was Bangkok, on honeymoon & only went because my cousin insisted! Yeah, right! Hated it.
And second one, staying with friends' in Mexico City. It was THE best one there, & strangely, I enjoyed the atmosphere & music. Also my friends' were very good company.
If you have to queue up for a restaurant then me thinks they will hurry you up so they can seat the next lot! Not for me.... however, night clubs in my younger days, didn't need to stand in line as they always let ladies in....
No & No! I’ve never done night clubs, & I wouldn’t stand in line for a restaurant either, I’d just go anther night, but a lot earlier!
Move on to another one, I am not a patient person!
Melbourne's Hopetoun tearooms always have a queue outside and are always full when I go past. Think it must be in a guide book or something because there are a lot of Asian tourists there.
I wouldn't normally line up though - why bother, when there are many other places and food courts now where you don't have to?
Years ago when we had Sizzlers we used to queue to get in, not because it was full, but to make sure everyone was seated and all tables occupied. However I'd never go to a night club. Just not my scene.
In the 60s, in Sydney, you didn't have to stand in line to get in…..but if it had been a requirement in those days, I probably would have.
No I wouldn't do that now, but in my younger disco days we had to line up, and I would not line up to get into a restaurant, I don't care how good it is, I hate lineing up for anything.
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