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Would you sell a home yourself or use a real estate agent?

by Finy (follow)
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sell home
Photo: Stuart Miles -www.freedigitalphotos.net

Sometimes I see a house "for sale by owner".

Would you ever consider, or have you ever considered, selling your home yourself or would you always use a real estate agents despite the cost?

#Real Estate
#For Sale
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I don't think I would do it myself, as I could not give the publicity that an Agent can do, and therefore not as many people would see the advertisement as with a Real Estate Agent.
by Finy
I've always gone through an agent. It pays to do your homework - check the papers real estate and see if there are any other properties in the area for sale and try and find out when they put them up for sale - ie is the price similar to what you are asking and how long have they been on the market. Also choose an agent in your area and find out what commission they want and if it includes advertising costs.
Have done both...in the end had to use a Real Estate because it was not selling.
5 days later it sold.
I don't know enough bout what is involved, so I'd get an estate agent.
I'm pretty sure I'd use an agent if I had a house to sell - they have all the connections, the skill of a salesperson, marketing tools at their fingertips, and when you look at all they do for you, it really doesn't cost that much. It's in their best interests to get you the best price they can because their pay is percentage based once sale is done, so there's nothing to lose as long as you set the price you want and don't sell for less than you're prepared to.

I wonder if the houses sold by owner are perhaps owners who happen to be in the Real Estate game and know what they're doing.
I would always use a reputable agent to sell a property.There are many very good ones here,(as well as some not-so-good!!!!) who really put in a terrific effort to get the very best price and contract details for their clients who are selling their homes.They have the expertise, and can access all the best advertising deals,so I would far prefer to leave it all in their capable hands than attempt to do the selling myself!
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