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Would you sacrifice shopping on Sundays if it meant retail and transport workers could spend the day with their families?

by Vee (follow)
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Attribution: kakisky, morguefile.com

What was once considered a day of rest has become just an ordinary working day for many.

Would you sacrifice shopping on Sundays if it meant people in retail and transport could spend the day with their families?

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I sure would.
by Vee
There are those who can only go shopping on a Sunday, and also with the family.
So it really is a busy day for retail.
I do remember the days when EVERYTHING shut at 12p.m. Saturday, till 9am come Monday!

I hated it, all was quite, and nothing really to do.
But I was young and silly.....We have far too much population now, a few Million more, here in Sydney, for that to ever come back.
It just won't happen, and it really does free up some services, because the week is busy as well.

I also feel it would be too much, having so many people shopping five and a half days a week.
It's IS of course about money, but more so population....Sorry to say it is now here to stay because of that.
Yes why not ! I don't think it would happen though :)
by BK
It isn't just a matter of convenience anymore, but if people don't work on Sundays, then the economy would suffer as well, as it would be one less day of trading. Since they economy is in a poor state already, I don't think it would be a good idea.
Oh the poor economy. I'm sick to death of hearing about it. It's going to take a big hit, it's inevitable. Capitalism does not work. Sorry, lol, that's enough of my ranting.
by Vee
Capitalism doesn't not work, but neither does Communism. We're in a Capitalist society like it or not, and we have to try and make it work as best we can.
I don't shop often on a Sunday however I would not sacrifice my shopping day as these people get time off during the week, so I cannot see the difference.

It is just another day like any other nowadays, with most retail shops being open.

If they want more time with their family, then retail shop is not the way to go perhaps.
by Finy
There are people who can only shop on Sundays because that's when they're free, and there are people who are happy to work on a Sunday. I know I used to prefer working weekends because it left me free to go to university classes during the week.
Have been anti retailers' opening on a Sunday & Public Holidays' ever since it became the norm. Don't agree with it whatsoever.
The workers' are entitled to Sundays' & PUBLIC Hols. off as well.

It's just greed of the almighty $. Has gone beyond the pale.
All the timings worked well before.
Late night Thursday is sufficient. Saturdays' finished at noon, but extension to 4pm only, would be sensible.
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