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Would you ride on the poo bus?

by VerityG (follow)
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poo bus number two bio fuel public transport environment
Photo via Bath Bus Company and Wessex Water

The UK's first bus powered by poo, known as the "Number Two" bus, has gone into service today. It will take the annual waste of about five people to produce one tank of gas.

Would you ride on the Number Two poo bus?

#Public Transport
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Top Answers
I would, for sure! I love the decal on the side of the bus too :)
I think it's a great idea to use *ahem* waste matter to power vehicles. We need to explore lots of different options to help the environment and this seems like a pretty good idea. It's not as if the Earth is going to run out of this raw material any time soon..... and unlike using vegetable oil, it doesn't take land out of food production either.
Yes, absolutely! I think it's a fabulous idea.
How extraordinary! Yes, I'd ride it for sure. What a wonderful idea.
It's a great idea, so yes.
Sure, why not.
by Vee
Yep, I don't care as long as I got to where I was going.
Not keen on the art work! little crass for my taste, but I'm a
BB...so that's all.
Great idea.
Never heard of anything like it.

Who ever is doing the art, needs another job...lol
What's a "BB", Jonaj?
Sorry....BB means Baby Boomer....lol
by jonaja
Oh I see, thank you for enlightening me :)
waste is waste - so it wouldnt make a difference. It is a great idea.
I think this is a great idea! Very funny!
What a great idea! I'd definitely ride in one if they had them where I live.
It would be a hoot to ride in it. I'd hope there was no smell attached to the fuel though.
I've never heard of it to tell you the truth, so I wouldn't even know how it works, good on you england for taking the initiative, I think!
I've never heard of this bus.
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