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Would you read J.K. Rowling's adult fiction?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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J.K. Rowling undeniably writes best selling children's novels, but do you think this can transfer to adult fiction? Would you read a piece of J.K. Rowling adult fiction?

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I don't think so...however you just never know!
He was a great children's writer, though I wouldn't know if he would be as good in adult fiction. Though I would still try it, as he might have the talent for adult fiction as well.
J.K. Rowling is a woman.
Sorry, I was thinking about another writer as I was answering. My mistake:)
by dream
yes she is ....lol
by jonaja
No it seems to be boring for me.
I would and I have. I've read both The Casual Vacancy (seriously underrated in my opinion, but that was to be expected given it was her first post-Potter book) and The Cuckoo's Calling (where she writes under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith) and both are firm favourites of mine. It all depends on what you like though. To me, JK Rowling knows how to spin a really compelling story with three dimensional characters, and this skill translates into her adult fiction.
Probably not!
I don't like the theam's of her books,they are too dark for me.... no matter how popular she is.I had a huge problem with her spinning such rubbish for children to read.
I don't believe in following the mass.
Maybe. It's not high on my to read list just now because I have quite a backlog but I wouldn't rule it out.
She seems to be a good writer. Not sure how it would transfer. I meant to read Casual Vacancy but haven't got to it yet. Would be interested to see how I liked it considering I did enjoy her Harry Potter series, but then, that was a long time ago!
This author does not interest me at all.
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