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Would you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' on public transport?

by dom a (follow)
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50 Shades of Grey

Everyone has read the book that brought certain taboos out in the open. Generally people have read it in private.

Would you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' in a public place, such as on public transport?

#Public Transport
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I've seen someone go red while reading the horrible piece - safe to say she was very embarrassed!

So no - also, why would you read such a thing?! :O
I suppose you don't really know what it's about until you read it.
by dom a
Why wouldn't you? 6 of one, half dozen of the other.
by Boys4
As a matter of fact I've always read it on public transport and no one knew, as I was reading it as ebook on my mobile :)
I wouldn't read "Fifty Shades of Grey" Full Stop!

Never mind at a Bus Stop.
I think half the world has read it by now ... so yes I would read it on public transport or anywhere else I felt so inclined. I have never been concerned about what people think of me ... if they want to judge me, it is their issue, not mine.
Well, the cover doesn't look that bad, but a lot of people know what the book is about. I don't think I would read it at all, but if I did read it on public transport, I'd probably want to use an inconspicuous dust cover.
Most definitely. Books are great to read on the train, including this one :)
I don't think I would read it in general. Although I might - one day. However, I don't think I would read it in public.
Not a book you would ever find on my reading list. And I do not use public transport.
So No!

I wouldn't even bother reading it in private. Not my cup of tea.
havent read it and have no interest. am part of a book club and we spend our time reading much more interesting texts. I dont think its an issue though. I'm sure the books serves its purpose for some and there is that unspoken rule about some level of personal space on public transport, particuarly with the whole screen thing these days, so so problem. brings a whole new idea to the daily commute.
Why not? I have all three. It's not like I'm asking anyone to share

I wouldn't read it..........on the Moon!
Such trash from what I've heard!
Does NOT interest me in the slightest!

If I wanted to read it I wouldn't have a problem reading it on public transport. However, from the crits I have read about it, sounds like a really turgid, badly written book, so wouldn't read it for that reason.
The book just doesn't appeal to me.
NO I don't think so. Remember reading Lovers and Gamblers by the Collins lady on the tram and ended up feeling a bit uncomfortable.
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