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Would you rather live in the city or in the country?

by Therese B (follow)
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Brisbane CBD courtesy of Wikipedia.org
Photo: Stuart Edwards

If work was not an issue, would you rather live in a city or enjoy a quieter life in a country town?

#Life Choices
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Country any time, I'm really over the noise, smell, pollution, and yes! people.
It is a real jungle in the city, and boy! don't you feel it.

So many people running around, cars in a great hurry..If I could go I sure would.

I have grandchildren close by so it's not really possible....but one day, I will run away to clean air, green trees , and maybe some cows.
Whenever I visit the country, I think "wouldn't this be nice to live here". Then I get back to the city & realise all the great things we have to do. I think I may end up getting a little bored full-time in the country - as lovely as it is. I do love the hustle & bustle of a city & there are still many "green" places to spend your time. Like Happy Mom's answer - I love Manhattan & I'd love to be able to live there for at least a year to see how I'd enjoy it.
After having the opportunity to have lived in both, I'd definitely say the country is where I want to be. The simple life really taught me to put things in perspective and appreciate what little access to stuff you have. It's a great feeling to be able to experience two vast sides of living and love life a little more when you're in the country.
I would rather live in the country but the city has lots of hot spots.
Well, if I could I would live on an island. However, I would choice the country as the next option....with lots and lots of land! ;)
I couldn't live in the country. My ideal place to live would be smack in the middle of Manhattan. I need my dose of the city as much as possible. The funny story is that when I moved from the US to Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne felt like "country"!! Hahaha
Have done both, and I love the buzz and action of the city.
I'm definitely a city girl ... preferably near the ocean
I like the idea of living in the country, but not sure if I could really stand the slower pace. Cities are fun and exciting and there is always something interesting to do.
Live in the country and visit the city occasionally. Two days in the city and I just want wide open spaces again.
I would love to do both. My wife and I are planning to spend 9 months in the city and 3 month in a country (my wife's hometown)
That sounds great Archi. A really nice balance so you can enjoy the best of both.
I love the country but the mountains even more so my answer would be suburbs with a short drive to the country.
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