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Would you rather have iced coffee, or iced chocolate with lashings of cream?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Iced chocolate and iced coffee with cream on top is a great refreshing drink.

Which one would you prefer?

#Iced coffee
#Iced chocolate
#Cold drinks
#Summer drink
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I really love both, however do not often have either.

Though that is not quite true as I make black coffee in my coffee machine and fill up a jug and have ice coffee but because I am a bit neurotic about weight, do not put ice cream or cream on top.

I do love the iced coffee that you buy with all the cream and probably prefer this to the chocolate as it is not quite as sweet.
by Finy
I do not drink either as I cannot have all that cream because of the 'dairy' content!! But if I could choose ,it would be Chocolate!!!
I love both! But very rarely have either.

But I no longer can have any milk of any kind....so down to bad luck!
for meeee :( sad.
It really does depend on what I feel like at the time, but if I was to pick one now it would be the chocolate.
by Vee
iced coffee and chocolate mixed i think
Would be iced coffee....for some reason I can't have 'lashings' of cream anymore, a little bit would be okay (ie as with a piece of choc cake..yum!)
by fran
I like iced coffee but I don't like it with cream on top
by AJ
It depends on my mood - I really like both, but will normally just have a hot coffee or water. Every now and then I just feel like a nice iced drink though - if I have the kids with me I'll usually go the chocolate as I know that they will end up drinking most of it lol
Strong iced coffee with no cream thanks.
I l o v e Iced Coffee!
I'd only have 1 or the other once a year, so I'd take the 2nd choice. YUM.
by Miro
I day last month when I was out on a warm day, I had an iced coffee instead of my usual latte at a local French cafe I hadn't visited before.They made it without the cream, & it was actually very refreshing!
by Miro
Iced chocolate as I like tea and coffee hot. However, I would be lucky to have two per year. . . I just never think of it and the sugar content would be high anyway.
by Rice
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