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Would you rather garden, read, or watch television?

by Finy (follow)
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Would you rather do gardening, read, or watch television in your spare time?

#Spare time
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I prefer to garden in the good weather and now I am doing a lot of it !! I have to catch up on all the gardening I didn't do in the cold months. Everything is really thriving in the garden so it really is the place to be this time of year. When I am not outside, I like to read mostly at night. It is very relaxing and I tend to get all caught up in the crime or thriller books. Watching tv I don't do so much of. I like to watch the news at night, so I watch a couple of hours tv and that's about it. There isn't much on worth watching.
I would rather: garden, read, then very lastly, watch tv! Having said that, all my spare time is taken up with my laptop, when I should be throwing out my paper rubbish I've collected over far to many years!
by Miro
Currently I am not reading - oddly enough, I get times when I read every day and then at other times, I just do not read at all. So reading is out for now!
I love sitting and watching television when there is something good on but that is not often.
Gardening - I love doing gardening but unfortunately cannot do a lot due to an accident several years ago.

So if I was more able bodied, I would probably put gardening first, and then television.
Though I watch way, way more TV than I do gardening, as have a small garden, and gardeners every 6 weeks unfortunately!
by Finy
I love to garden, but it's not as possible now with a problem I have on my leg.
Well that would only be 'if' I had time...like in hospital or sick.
T.V. not really, only 1-2 hrs a day at night maybe.

Computer!.......YES and YES.
I can do my study on line, read things, learn, talk to family and friends, buy stuff, see the weather or news...what can I say!
Id either read or watch Tv, if theres something i'm interested in. I don't like gardening at all, the insects scare me.
Ah, you would surely have laughed to see me yesterday . . . trying to prune trees and do some whipper snipping and jumping about like a demented thing yelling at the imagined spiders and grasshoppers. LOL.
by Rice
I would prefer to read. Television gives me itchy feet and gardening is not a talent I possess.
by Rice
Rice, I like to weed. Not a lot of talent needed for that, but I get a lot of satisfaction from it.
by Vee
This is a hard one. I am not quite fond of any of those things. I'll read if I want to learn something. I mostly watch news on TV and if something else catches my attention.
If the weather is suitable my number 1 choice is gardening. Number 2 is reading. Number 3 is watch a DVD, rather than actual television.
I would garden, then read, then watch television if it was daytime. I like to weed, as I said to Rice. I get a lot of satisfaction out of it. Pity I can't weed my life the way I can weed a garden.
by Vee
Good for you, Vee, weeding is admirable. Maybe if I concentrated on weeding more, my poor plants might live.
by Rice
That's certainly one way of looking at it, Rice. LOL ;-)
by Vee
I like a mixture of all 3 things, variety is as they say the spice of life.
Depending on my mood any of these options. Lately I have mainly read on the computer while referencing information, so haven't picked up a novel for a while now...
I love gardening , but if I feel tired tend to watch TV..often through my eyelids. ;-)
I read, when time permits!

I don't 'watch' TV per se, I VHS tape any programme I like, then both 'time shift' & fast fwd adverts!

HATE gardening; so boring! I do love hosing my plants, though!
Used to sit on driveway with my beloved Corgi doing this. When she heard the sound of the bus engine, bringing my son from School, she'd be at the gate, ready for me to open it, when he appeared around the corner,
Then off she go as fast as her little legs would carry her, to be scooped up into my son's arms!
The 'look of love' on both their faces' , was a joy to behold!
Read, somewhere quiet and with a nice sea breeze.
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