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Would you rather feel cold or hot?

by Finy (follow)
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Would you rather feel cold or hot?

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I would far prefer feeling hot.

Cold seems to get to me every year just a bit worse - i have been told it is because I am thin, but do not quite believe that one!

The cold goes right through me and I am already wearing three layers and am still cold half the time and it is not even winter.

I already have my electric blanket on and use it every night.....I think there is something wrong with my temperatures as then in the night I get flushes and have to strip the bedcovers!!!
by Finy
I would much rather feel hot as I can easily cool down by using our fantastic air conditioner. I don't like the cold, and never seem to be able to get warm to my satisfaction, and hate being bundled up in layers, looking like an eskimo. !! I prefer somewhere in between, where I am not too hot or too cold. I am not looking forward to WINTER that dreaded word !!!
I. Hate. The. Cold.
by Rice
It gets cold where you live in winter too, like snowing! poor girl :(
by jonaja
Nooooooooooooooo!! *sob*
by Rice
Sorry to say it can snow and has, hey! you could make a snowman !!
by jonaja
I'd rather be cold than hot. I can't cope in the heat. If it is cold, I can put extra layers on, wrap myself in blankets, or turn on the fire. When it's hot, it is so draining.
by fran.
My preference is for cold. I find it so much easier to just rug up than to cool down. But I live in far north Qld so it is far more usual for me to be hot.
I think now at my age the cold is a issue.
I do much better in the warm...plus if too hot, just put on some air-con........simple.
I have bought some scarves . . . it's the back of my neck that is going to feel it the most . . . . . I hope I survive my first winter up here. LOL LOL. Oh, and my brother just gave me a lovely pair of suede sheepskin gloves! Yay for brothers !!
by Rice
I think its easier to dress for the cold but I would prefer to feel too hot than too cold
by AJ
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