Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed at a party?
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I think I would rather be under dressed as it is not as obvious as if you are overdressed.
It does not "stand out" so much, and I would not feel bad being under dressed, however would if over!
I would go under dressed. But I wouldn't be embarrassed either way if people want to make you feel uncomfortable just because of what you are wearing I would choose not to go to a party with those kid of people
Underdressed .
It just seems to sit better with me.I would feel very embarrassed.
In fact! maybe even want to leave, if I was not feeling I would want
to stay.
Overdressed. I've never seen anybody take much notice of the overdressed person, but turn up to a party underdressed and boy doesn't everybody know about it!
Over dressed. Because you can always dress down once arriving at a function but its very hard to dress up. To be under dressed when the expectations are higher can cause a lot more social grief than turning up overdressed to something more casual, because events that require formal dress have higher social stakes (weddings, balls, cocktail parties, formal functions). Informal events usually mean people are already in the groove and will not be hassled if you turn up overdressed but quietly slip to the loo to take off the high heels, un tuck your shirt and remove your tie, put a friends jacket on or borrow a t-shirt....
and remove some jewellery
That's an interesting question. I think overdressed would be better, though even that could be embarrassing if you were really super overdressed (like wore cocktail to what turned out to be smart casual. Dress codes can be really confusing for women too. For men the same suit would work for occasions that require subtly different degrees of dressiness for women. That kind of thing bewilders me, but it doesn't come up often for me anyway.
I would feel embarrassed by both, but I'd much rather be overdressed than underdressed.
Totally agree. You saved me having to write an answer!
If I feel comfortable in a certain dress and style, then I don't mind being overdressed either. I like the extra attention! ;)
Overdressed I think.....just would please myself and not really care how others were dressed..
If I don't know the dress code I am pretty good at picking something that can be both dressy and casual. However it is be pretty bad to turn up to black tie in jeans or a BBQ in a ball gown!
I'm just happy to be dressed at all!
That's a great question. I'd opt for under dressed as for me, that would likely still be smart casual. I'd be very unlikely to turn up to a party in trackie pants and a hoodie, so my typical smart casual could likely still lend itself to a party theme. However, if I was overdressed and went full party frock and heels to a casual attire party, I would feel pretty embarrassed and it's not a look you can easily shrug off as casual.
This question reminds me of a friend's first date in the 'sixties. Boyfriend asked her to a party on his parent's "boat". She turned up in jeans and sneakers to a very formal do on a very big yacht. She still married him.
Under dressed. But I would carry some jewelry and a clutch if I am not sure and put them on depending on the vibe else I just keep calm. Pearl studs could add an instant glamour to a simple dress. ;)
I think overdressed for me.... and I am usually comfortable in what I wear 99% of the time, if it doesn't work than underdressed it not good either....
Overdressed any time. I would be mortified to be underdressed. Much rather put too much effort into an outfit than to appear not to care by being underdressed.
This happened to us last weekend at a wedding. There was no dress code on the invitation. Fortunately my husband could ditch his jacket and my outfit wasn't embarrassingly over the top.
Over dressed for me, but I were a dress every time I got out shopping or visiting friends, etc, but some of my patterns on my dresses are more for evening, like art gallery openings or the opera, & I always wear matching bracelets with my dresses, every time I leave the house, with a matching handbag. Shoes are either Skechers, during the day, or short black leather boots for the evening with leggings. (Hang on, I wasn't asked what did you wear?!!!)
Many years ago I went to a wedding on Fraser Island and was so over-dressed it was embarassing. I dressed as I would for a Sydney wedding but didn't realise that others attending the wedding where the CWA catered for it, were so laid back so, I'd rather be under dressed I think.
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