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Would you rather a peach, apricot, or plum?

by Finy (follow)
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would you,rather,peaches,apricots,or,plums
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Would you rather an apricot, peach or a plum?

#Summer fruit
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I think if I had to chose between the three I would take an apricot.
I HAD a friend who had over 100 apricot trees and each year I would go and help her pick them and get them to market.
Naturally I came home with dozens, or rather bucket loads full, but they do not last as long as a lot of other fruit.
They were delicious as hers were a nice variety - some of them have no taste but a good apricot is hard to beat AND I made several other things with them.
I have made a peach salad however I still prefer apricots.
There are also many different varieties of plum and some of them are not so nice....
by Finy
I would have to say a Plum. A deep red plum. I love peaches, but I love plums even more. I don't like apricots at all.
Its a tossup between peach and plum. Ill have to go with plums.
by AJ
Dark red plum, very cold!
Then yellow peach.
Apricots' not so much.
Just peachy here.
Can't I have one of each? :)
by Finy
Party pooper!
by poppy
I do really love a good apricot,but then,I also enjoy WHITE peaches!! I think it is due to the entire experience of the fabulous aroma of the white peaches even more so than the yellow ones! My favourite stone fruit though has to be the luscious aromatic White Nectarine! I always have plenty in my fridge throughout the entire season!! Hmmmm...I shall go and enjoy one right now!!!
Haha. Finy has shot herself in the foot . . . due to her pav question I made one yesterday and it is LOADED!! I have ALL the fruits on there. . . . except I ate the 11 lychees that I bought. Muwahahahahahaha. (but I'm still not choosing!)
by Rice
I hope that you are enjoying your Pavlova for ME as well, after the reply I gave to that question!!! I have almost eaten the entire kg of lychees I bought on Saturday and need to go and get some more!! At least up here they are affordable enough to enjoy!!!
by Jules
I am also making one this week for a sick friend who is in hospital after falling down a flight of stairs (hence my hurting /fall question!! My lychees were about 40 cents each
by Finy
Goodness me, girls, I thought it was only in America that fall came before Christmas. Heehee. Lousy pun. Your poor friend, Finy, I hope she is going to be okay. Sounds like a very nasty tumble indeed.
by Rice
My neighbour came over yesterday after my painful treatment and gave me some fabulous lychees from the local shop around the corner!! He is such a sweetie!! They were really huge and delicious lychees,at $14 kg,which is much more than they were last year,but SO worth it!!!!
by Jules
I'm with you Jules. The white peaches and nectarines have more flavour than the yellow ones. Many years ago when I was really sick and in Sydney hospital my mother would travel into the City by train and would buy a couple of giant slipstone or clingstone white peaches for me from one of the fruit barrows (think it was the Barrack Street one). Oh how I'd enjoy them. Nothing like the peaches of today. Same for the blood plums. They used to be big and the juices ran down your arm as you ate them so I don't buy them anymore.
Oh!! that old fashioned fruit straight from the trees in my friends' backyards in Victoria when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's!!! Yes indeed! nothing quite seems to compare these days!! The stone fruit I get in Nth Qld has to travel from the southern regions so I do seem to look around to get the nicest!!
by Jules
Oooh. I am going to start calling you "nofairfiny" . . . ! No, no, no, I will not choose. Apricots are so fragrant and delectable and peaches are so juicy and fuzzy and plums let you suck the seed a little while longer. . . . nooooooooooo! No choices please!!

by Rice
Apricots are my favourite by far. It is no competition.
I'll go with an apple...no wait, that wasn't an option, but I don't care for apricots, peaches, or plums. What am I to do? ;)
I think you should sit in the corner and keep repeating, "Stone fruits are wonderful" . . . . hahahahaha. :-)
by Rice
That's the pits!
by Polly
LOL, Polly, you're a peach!! :-))
by Rice
I love all stone fruit. The fast of apricots seems to have "disappeared" over the last 10 years. Not as I remember them from years ago. Same for a lot of fruit in Australia. Grapes are the same.
Oops ! I meant the TASTE of
by fran.
I'm going for the peach. I haven't bought an apricot or plum for years, because I'm worried about the 'floury' taste they may have. I use tin apricots or a diced up dried one, on my cereal every day.
by Miro
I prefer peaches.
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