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Would you prefer to work for yourself or a boss?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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If you had the choice, would you prefer to work for yourself or have your own business. Why?

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Be my own boss. I love having flexible working hours. The responsibility cuts both ways, on the one hand you are the one who determines how much you earn when you work for yourself by how much you work, but you have to work hard to make it worthwhile.
Myself always.

Bosses can be impossible, and a lot have their own interest at stake.
I am yet to find one, without 'hang up's and they seem to delight in being real
Love the image :)
Have done both, and I am working for myself now for a reason - and have been for the last 2.5 years. I enjoy it. The hours are longer, yet the freedom is sensational. There are pros and cons of both. If you're not too entrepreneurial, and you want set working hours - then having a boss is the way to go.
I would like to work for myself, but I am my own biggest critic, so I am not a good boss! :)
Right now, working for myself is not the most financially viable option. I am broke. ;)
I have done both and much prefer being my own boss!
I have done both but I prefer working for myself.
I have worked for myself most of my working life apart from a few years after studying.

I far prefer working for myself however, am also able to adjust to working for someone, as there is less pressure, and I do not take work home that way.
by Finy
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