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Would you prefer to dine in a restaurant or eat on the street?

by Xarah (follow)
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Are you more of a dine-in-a-fancy-restaurant kind of person, or are you open to eat cheap, yet tasty, street or market food?

#Street Food
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I prefer to dine in a fancy restaurant, but now that I've got three little kids the cheaper option is the one I go for, not only for the price but also because we're less likely to disrupt anyone - it would be awful for somebody to go to the effort of having a fancy night out only to be stuck next to us with three kids.
I much prefer eating in a restaurant. When you're outside you have to find somewhere to sit, don't have a table or cutlery, have to face the elements, and keep a vigilant eye on all your belongings.
Well you can't have a kebab in any fancy setting. It's always going to be a messy eat. However I do like the care with which fancy restaurants put effort into their dining settings.
It completely depends on my mood, who I'm with and how much of a hurry I am in. Both definitely have their place.
Fine Dine every time.
I don't do much of it, but when I do WOW! love it.
It does depend on how you're feeling in any given situation, yet I prefer to eat in a restaurant with great company.
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