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Would you prefer to bake cookies or buy them?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / Freedigitalphotos.net

Would you prefer to bake or buy cookies? Is it because you haven't got a perfect recipe, or is it more about the time involved or something else entirely?

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I prefer to bake them. That way I know what goes into them. Also, its a nice way of introducing my kids to cooking because they love to come and help. It's fairly quick for us, we can whip up a batch in 20 minutes plus baking time, 10 minutes if I don't have helpers, and the warm cookies are a dream. Pity none of them last the hour once cooked.
I prefer to make my own, having said that my oven doesn't work!

But will get back to it one day.
I also like certain one's from the shop....but I bet with time and effort, I could make them just as good.
There is something rather wonderful, inside your home with the smell of baked cookies.
That's a smell money can't buy!

Yes, freshly baked cookies smell amazing!
I enjoy baking, when I have time, which is sadly not enough. But then again it may not be such a bad thing, at least we don't eat so many cookies.
That's true.
I prefer to make them, so I know what is going into it. I also enjoy baking, so it is a fun and rewarding experience.
If I had the time I would bake cookies as often as I could. Love it when the house smells like freshly baked cookies. My kids are no major fans of store bought cookies so I don't buy cookies that much. If I don't bake, then there are no cookies at home :(
Cookies?? Is this an American question? LOL
I prefer home baked biscuits but alas do not have the time or motivation. Luckily the grandkids prefer to eat fruit, so biscuits are an occasional treat.
A bit of both. Being busy and sometimes a little lazy, I love it when you buy them from shops and food halls with that fresh aroma. Mmmmm...
I amnot an expert cookie maker.I wouldlove to buy them
I rarely buy stuff like that, but I do enjoy baking and my daughter loves helping me.
I rarely buy stuff like that, but I do enjoy baking and my daughter loves helping me.
We bake as a fun exercise, but if I was wanting some to eat for me, I'd rather buy them...
I do not buy processed foods so i bake all my own cookies
Cookies?? Is this an American question? LOL
I prefer home baked biscuits but alas do not have the time or motivation. Luckily the grandkids prefer to eat fruit, so biscuits are an occasional treat.
I would much prefer to bake them myself as I love cooking.
However, being a "sweet tooth", I also love bought ones, perhaps because they have more sugar in them?
by Finy
Home baked cookies are the BEST! So delicious when they're straight out of the oven and lovely and warm. They're the best. Plus you can change the recipe to include more of what you like. I'm partial to including more chocolate in all of my recipes!
bake, because then you can manage the level of sugar in them. we dont eat them much so its a nice novelty to make them for a special occasion
This totally depends on my mood. I prefer eating homemade cookies but sometimes I just don't have the time or the will. It doesn't help that the local grocers triple chocolate cookies are absolutely delicious ;)
bake them
by Gia
I prefer to bake biscuits. There are some nice home style ones available in the shops but baking is satisfying and as others have said, the smell is so welcoming. When I was much younger I had a large collection of biscuit cutters and used to enjoy making biscuits in lots of shapes.
I prefer to EAT home-made biscuits, rather than bought ones! :) Not much of a baker myself, but love it when others do.
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