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Would you prefer classy or cute crockery?

by Xarah (follow)
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I have been to friends' places where they have Victorian-style crockery and cutlery.

And then I've been to friends' places (without kids) where there seems to be a cuteness overload!

What would you prefer to have in your home?

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Not sure - I guess both if I could. But I like the cute stuff because it makes me smile when I use it. And it is a conversation piece too! So cute would be the end result.
Why choose when you can have both? I do like classy, but I love fun. There are so many cute pieces to be found. I quite like vintage-y pieces and animal prints.
by Vee
We prefer having classy crockery. Whenever possible I try to colour co-ordinate it with coasters, table mats. We generally don't get the cutesy kiddo stuff as there aren't any kids around. However we have one mug with Tintin print.
A mixture of both! I don't have kids, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy cute. And when I feel like being a little more classy, or for special occasions, the fancier stuff comes out. I see no reason to just choose one or the other, but rather go with whatever you like.
I would go for classy crockery.
Our home has the normal glassware and some cuteness to it.
I have saved for what I love.

Royal Doulton mugs..
Personally I can't stand the weight of the 'cute' types, and when you drink out of them, they are so thick around the mug or cup.Spoils a good drink.

I have also good cutlery, because it is just something that makes a meal.

We use ours each meal, and no regrets for the last ten years, and non broken.
Thank goodness :)
I love the Victorian style and have been known to drool in Victoria's Basement over Royal Albert, but having 3 small kids, it would get broken just as fast as cute cheaper stuff, so probably cute stuff for me.
But have been given cute, by friends!
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