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Would you pose nude for charity?

by Jamie0liversgirl (follow)
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All manner of things are approved, and inhibitions are lost, in the name of charity. Would you consider posing nude for charity?

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Posing nude for charity has become somewhat of a modern achievement for celebrities and people in the spotlight. But what about the average man or woman? I personally think any work, or activity, in the name of charity deserved to be commended, and if your natural, naked self can help raise more money then here here!

Family members have passed away and I was personally saved by the work of a charity when I was born. A lot of people forget how essential funds are for charities, and how the money raised truly makes a difference to individuals.

If my body, in all its glory, can be tastefully shown in the name of charity, then yes, I'm all for it.

Time to strip off I think!
I wouldn't personally, but I'm happy to donate!
Cool, lush.
Never for anyone. Did modelling in the past. No. I'd find other things to do for charity.
I'm guessing modelling was for work. You really wouldn't bare it all in the name of charity? Modestly, and tastefully covered, but you'd actually be nude.
Yes, I and several of my friends have raised money for breast cancer by posing topless and nude. We've done it 3 years in a row.

Absolutely not.
Really? Why not?
I'm a Christian so that would be inappropriate.
I'm also nearly 60 and that would be yucky.....lol
by jonaja
Age is nothing but a number! I have friends who follow Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, and have all stripped off for the British Heart Foundation, bless them (the charity which saved my life). I didn't think religion had anything to do with it.
I think you need to understand that there are s o m e people in the world who just couldn't do that.
S o m e Baby Boomer's just could not get their head around, stripping naked.
You may have friends who have...even with their religious convictions, but that is not to say All would do the same.

For people like myself, it would be a No-No....no matter what it was for.

Not all religious people hold the same ideas.They may choose to contribute in another way, by donation to the cause.
by jonaja
It's unfortunate that you feel that way, but again, it's your prerogative.
No it's not unfortunate that I feel this way, in my eyes I feel
it is most fortunate.
by jonaja
I'm also a Christian, and seeing so much nudity in the Gospel, it would be appropriate.
I'm also nearly 60 and that would be yukky ....not but lucky to still be able to give something back, even if it was only myself.
Says the Nudist
by jonaja
Not a chance. There are plenty of things you can do to help charities without stripping off.
But would it raise as much as seeing Bryony in all her gorgeous glory?
People raise loads of money doing other things. Don't get me wrong; if you're brave enough to do it, go for it, but you could probably raise just as much by doing something else.
Very true.
Not personally but full marks to anyone who is able to do this -personal taste,choice,confidence will prevail. I would probably buy the product to support the people and charity. Best of wishes for Christmas and New year and bless volunteers!
by anne
Bless you hun!
Good question! I don't think so. Women posing nude for calenders still seems kind of tacky and exploitative to me, even when it's for charity. Men posing nude for calenders on the other hand seems comical. It's a double standard which I can't really justify.
Yeah, I hate it to be honest. Men are praised for some things, whereas women are branded. Hopefully we're breaking down such double standards by asking such questions.
I wouldn't strip for charity. I don't see how putting my bits on display would help anyone. If anything, much psychological harm would come to those who had to witness such a spectacle. I am happy to donate money and/or time. I think that's where the real help it at.
by Vee
Oh Vee, beautifully put.
Hehe, thanks. :)
by Vee
No, nor for any other reason.
Bring it on, why do I sign up. I don't have much, but of myself I can keep on giving, till I am dust.
Oh, Doctor Dave. Isn't it strange how we perceive things as individuals? I would feel very far from free if I was nude for others to see. The more covered I am, the more free I feel.
by Vee
I don't see nudity as a sexual or wrong thing. We are all born naked. It feels natural to me.
If a charity wanted me to pose nude for them I probably would. More than likely i could raise more by keeping my gear on as it is not a pretty sight!
always happy to help a charity but most of them as i have found waste to much of the money they get so I'd want to know where the money was going.
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