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Would you pick love or money if you could only chose one of these?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: David Castillo Dominici -www.freedigitalphotos.net

Love is supposedly forever.
Money can be invested wisely or spent lovingly.

If you could only have one of these, which one would you choose?

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I would probably pick love even though I have learnt from experience that it often does not last for me, but I am a sucker, and would probably not have learnt as my friend jonaj has!
by Finy
What kind of love are you talking about? Romantic/sexual or family/parental?

I would pick the love of my family every time, but I am not interested in falling in love or having a partner, so I would choose money in that case.
I have picked loved twice and tired of being poor both time,. so will pick money next time for sure or stay single! Hoping it would be that cut and dry...
same here...totally agree with you one. :)
by jonaja
How many people loved Kerry Packer?
'Love' let me down big time, so it's MONEY for me now!
Same here! totally agree with you :)
by jonaja
Knowing what I know now.....money 101%

So I can make other peoples lives far far better, that would bring me so much joy.
Love every time. Money is a necessity but it doesn't bring real joy in life, sometimes what you can do with it can, but not the money itself.
Always love. Money does make life easier, but I could not imaging life without my dear loves.
Mmmmmmmm I find myself hesitating.....having led an extremely torrid love life over the years, twice married and a myriad of significant relationships (well hell I am nudging 70!) I am a little disappointed in myself to say...I would probably now choose...MONEY (Especially as..as a result of the life I have led, I don't have much!)
by Fran
I have to agree :)
by jonaja
This is not a cut and dried subject,in any way,shape or form!! I have never had a desire for lots of money for my own use,but I do like to spoil loved ones and help really worthwhile causes. I have been in love and living with my loved one;and I have lived without someone special in my life.I have to admit that I adore living on my own,apart from my dogs.I can do what I wish,when it suits me,whether this is having a luxurious bath,reading a favourite book,eating a meal when I am hungry rather than at a set time,etc..... I sometimes feel I have become more happily selfish,but then again,at least I am not a burden on anyone!!! So I truly am ruled by neither Love nor Money!
I am very almost certain I'd rather have a partner and live in a shack than be alone in a big house with lots of things.
by Vee
I picked loved. We were extremely broke when we first married, but I also picked wisely and he now earns lots of money :)
Love because life would very lonely without it even if you had lots of money
by AJ
Love. Money is overrated.
The issue is what type of love.
The ability to love would win if it was across all people but money would win if it was against women as my experience with them has been that they are unstable and selfish.To love them is to be harmful to your own well being.
Love .... All the time, every time.
Love is what comes to mind first...but i think you honestly have to look after yourself and if u hav children, them. So id have to go for money actually, which appears to be such a strange thought to me...

Love for sure. Money comes and go, love stays, if real.
The love of my family is utmost and non negotiable.
The love of a good partner is priceless.Although I have paid my price on this journey, I strive on as a true romantic in search of that connection with the right person.This magic cannot be bought.

by Zen
Love - money is just a consolation prize for not having love.
I lost love 18 years ago, but I still am reasonably comfortable - I would rather be poor and have love, than be as I am now, alone and comfortable.
totally agree!
by Finy
Deftly love for me. We’ve been married 46 years, & we're still in love. We do have enough money for what ever we need, for our grown up family, & a cruise once a year, & trips up & down to Melbourne a few times a year to visit our girls & the grand-children.
Money. Yes. Money because I have friends that I would love to help out of their financial burdens.
by Rice
Totally agree :)
by jonaja
Love definitely. I had a good marriage for 49 years until my husband's death. I am financially very comfortable but what's the good of money if you don't have someone to share it with - I'd give it all up to have my husband back with me.
I choose love. If it's real, it's forever. I had it and lost it... Nothing feels so fulfilling then loving and being loved in return!
By the way, if there would be a third option... I would choose health! Without it, no love or money can really help!
The only true and pure love is our mother's love, anytime and forever. I don't exchange that for billions. Anything else is replaceable.
I would definetely pick love. I have a wonderful husband and I would choose him a thousand times.
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