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Would you pass a citizenship test for your country?

by VerityG (follow)
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British citizenship ceremony flag Union Jack robes
By Greg (British Citizenship 2005) via Wikimedia Commons

A friend of ours who is Mexican by birth recently sat and passed the UK Citizenship Test, to become a British citizen. Another British friend has recently been awarded American citizenship, after taking lessons in American history and culture for some time before sitting an exam. They both reckon that the topics they had to learn about for the tests were not ones that natural born citizens would necessarily know!
Would you pass a citizenship test for your country? Do you think the knowledge required of immigrants should be more rigorous than those born there?

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I was intrigued by this and found practice questions for British citizenship online and only got about 70%.... not good enough apparently! I was expected to know all kinds of things that seem pretty irrelevant to me. The greatest distance from the sea at any point in England, anyone?!
I've never done a test like this so I'm not sure what the questions would be like. But I'm think the difficult questions are in place to make sure the person actually has a real interest in being in that country and won't just jump from one country to another.
I would pass for England-Australia-and America.
Without being over bearing....I just know about all 3 in a lot of detail.
I don't think so, not after seeing how ridiculous some of the questions are.
by Vee
Our citizenship test here is stupid. The whole idea is stupid.

Here's my recommended test replacement:
Are you a person?
Do you need somewhere to live?
You passed the test, please be kind to other humans.
I don't think I would ... ( head hanging down in shame) !
by BK
Wouldn't need to ever do this, as natural-born Aussie!

Sitting for a Geography exam for a job application, there was a newly arrived lass from NZ. She asked the person supervising if she would get 'leniency' in answers.
'No' came the reply, 'if you're applying for a job, with this Company, you would've been expected to do your homework!'
She mustn't have 'passed', as she wasn't in the next starter group!
I have no idea as do not know what the questions would be!
by Finy
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