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Would you, or have you ever had a spider as a pet?

by carolyncordon (follow)
Carolyn Cordon Positively Positive Prose! mickjaneandme.wordpress.com/
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Spiders can be friend or foe!
Writer's own photo, when a spider visited recently

Some people like spiders, some people are terrified of them, and other people are somewhere in between. How do you feel about spiders?
Would you have a spider as a pet?

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No bloody way.
by Vee
The minute I see a spider in my home or near me ready to pounce, off comes my Shoe.

P.S 'would I have a spider for a pet'?.......Noooooo!
by jonaja
Hell no!
I'd never sleep knowing there's a spider living in my house trying to come and get me. It's enough I have these unwelcome visitors in my house most days but to invite one in to stay indefinitely. No way.
I'm somewhere in between but wouldn't want one as a pet. There are enough hairy legs in our house already!
Never! I can't stand spiders!
Hmm, so far the spider doesn't seem to have many friends. I'm OK with spiders, except for those which are actually able to kill me or make me very ill. In Australia, there are a few kinds of spiders that can do this - funnel web spider, redback spider and white tail spider. If I saw one of those in or around my house, I'd kill it.
I probalby would have if it was a great big one -I dont fear those ones as much though the thought of it falling on me while sleeping is quite awful.

I have often not killed a big spider so guess that is sort of a pet then however they eventually disappear so I would not lock up a spider and keep it as a pet.
by Finy
No, No and no again!!!!
What the? The suggestion offends me, spiders don't strike me as a creature that should be domesticated. MMmm not that different to the others I guess.
Some people have the weirdest things as pets.
Spiders' don't worry me at all!
Many a big Huntsman, I've gently tea-towelled wrapped & placed in garden.
I only let ONE the house at a time to do its' work!

But it really doesn't interest me as a pet.
Much prefer cat, dog or horse!
I don't like the look of spiders. I am not scared of them, since I am at least a million times the size of them. The kids are more scared of them than I am. The only spiders we have around here are huntsman's. As long as they stay in their corner and don't bother me. My husband usually captures them in a jar and takes them outside. They rarely come inside. They seem to like the wheel well of the car or the passenger door. I wouldn't keep them as a pet because the kids don't like them. They will scream the house down if they see one.
If I don't take huntsman spiders outside, my husband or son will kill them. I don't like to kill things, if I don't have to, so I will always catch and release huntsman spiders. I use a dustpan and brush for this. I'm certainly not scared of spiders, and I will only kill those that are invading my territory and are dangerous spiders, like redback spiders.
I agree Carolyn
by Lluxi
For a pet…..give me a break
What jonaj said . . kind of . . . I am so terrified of them it would have to be a whole can of spray and a broom . . .a long broom. Pet spider . . .not in this lifetime.
by Rice
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