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Would you opt for the Navy, Army or Airforce?

by Xarah (follow)
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Have you or someone you know ever be interested in applying to the army, navy or air force?

Say you were interested in joining one of these three very fascinating fields for a career pathway - what would you opt for, and why?

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I know people who have joined the Army and Navy. Was so close to becoming a sponsored Doctor in the Army. Otherwise because I am more entrereneurial these days, I love the freedom that having your own business in civilian life brings.
None of them, but if I really had to choose I think I would choose navy as would rather be on a boat than in the air or in the army.

by Finy
Hi Finy, did you find out 'why' we can't download pics? :(
by jonaja
Well we owe a lot to these three amazing sections, of our Freedom.
I would join Navy.
I love the Sea very much, and I have great sea legs.Never get sea sick.

p.s. no pics :( very sad, it won't let me download any 'crying' boo hoo.

I know few people who have joined airforce. I would have joined airforce or navy.
I thought about doing a gap year with the army, but nothing came of that. Nonetheless, if I had to choose, I'd pick the army because I have a fear of drowning and plummeting to my death.
by Vee
Airforce - I was so interested at school in joining the airforce cadets, it would have been wonderful to learn how to fly, but I didn't get the permission I needed so never got the chance.
None of the above I would opt for peace.
I did 20 years in the army, but there advantages and disadvantages to each, and again depending on the job you take within them. Would I do it again? Probably, but it wouldn't suit my current circumstances - and that's probably the key factor - the circumstances would determine which job in which service I would prefer
by kimp
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