If I needed to live there for work or I really liked it there, yes. Off the top of my head I can't think of a country where alcholol is illegal that I'd like to live in though since it seems to come as kind of a package deal with other things like women being restricted in how they can dress.
Probably not.
I'm not a big drinker anyway, but to live in a country where something as minute as alcohol is banned, I would wonder what other changes that country would have.
Since I don't drink that much, the banning alcohol itself wouldn't phase me that much, but countries that do ban alcohol are usually based on cultural/religious practices that I would not want to be surrounded by.
I don't drink at all. So if it comes down only to the legality of alcohol I wouldn't have a problem. I could live in such a country, that is of course if the other elements that matter to me are legal.
No thank you. Although my parents have lived happily in areas of Australia where alcohol is banned and I'm sure I could do the same. But countries that have a blanket ban on alcohol tend to be very dictatorial and not places I would want to live. Besides...I like my evening glass of wine.