Would you line up at a petrol station for cheap petrol?
Photo: Michelle Meiklejohn -www.freedigitalphotos.com
Sometimes when petrol is cheap, there are long lines of people waiting to fill up.
Have you ever lined up and waited?
Would you ever do this?
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I personally just drive on when there is a line.
We have a very cheap one not so far from me, but there are always lines to get to the bowsers and I don't think I have ever been to this particular one.
I just would not sit in a line for 20 minutes to save $1...am I unusual?
It depends on the price. I have done quick calculations in the past and worked out it will only save me a couple of dollars, so just kept driving. Now I run my car on LPG so this isn't a problem as most of the year it's cheaper that petrol by a lot.
It depends on how desperate and/or how much of a hurry you're in. Can also depend on how long the queue is. If the queue isn't long, absolutely. I agree, I would not wait in a long line for 20 minutes to dave $1 either. It is like someone travelling to the other end of Sydney to save $10 on a vacuum cleaner...it is absurd.
No, I wouldn't. Time is money, right?
probably not if you are retired, Vee. But I just don't have the patience.
Depends on how long the line is, and whether or not I'm in a hurry. But we have to queue up for must things, so I don't see why queuing up for petrol would be any different. But to be honest, there is such a slim margin between costs at one station to another that you wouldn't really think about going to a specific place for cheap petrol. There isn't such a thing.
Bryony, this one is sometimes about 10 cents cheaper than others but sometimes the lines are about 8 cars deep in each section.
That is a long line for petrol. In that case, no I wouldn't wait that long.
No I have never done that.
If it is very cheep, like a promotion...yes and yes.
That is one of the most expensive things we all buy from week to week.
So really it's a huge bonus, and the money I save will go on a bill.
Money is too hard to come by these days!
do you realize that by queuing up you will use up the saving that you are supposed to be getting at the bowser remember your car is still running on petrol while you wait.
You switch engine off whilst waiting in a l o n g q!
Yes always turn off while queuing- it's sensible even on hot days.
you have to switch the engine on to move up in the queue using petrol ,how many times then do you switch on and off, I wonder if doing this uses more petrol that leaving the engine running.
If there're q's, I still q up. Am usually only two cars' behind, so it doesn't take long.
Yes I have done so in the past, particularly as it's on the way home. Sometimes there are 3 cars ahead of me so I queue in the line and am happy to wait my turn. However I really get annoyed when the guy goes inside to pay for his fuel then comes out and washes the windows, or munches on a meat pie and doesn't have the brains to realise he should move his car over to the parking area where he can munch away and those waiting in line can get to the bowser don't become agro.
Of course, but then how many sell cheap petrol?
Is it Profit or Plunder with the current high prices?
If it was the cheapest, and everywhere else was more expensive I think I would, it depends on the line up.
My husband only buys petrol when the price goes down, but never has to wait in a queue for it. Well, not longer than 1 car/truck or 2, & that's only about once e very 6 months!
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