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Would you like to learn another language?

by Sharm Jay (follow)

Learning a language is no easy task. I know this because I have learnt three so far. Do you know any language other than English. What language would you like to learn?

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I took French and Italian at school, and enjoyed learning them both. I would love to learn more French to be able to be conversational in it. Also, would love to learn Japanese for business.
I wish I was great at languages. I learnt French at school. I was quite good from a high school perspective, but no where near as the majority of people who learn English as a second language.

My dream language to learn would be mandarin. I'd love to learn a lot more about Chinese cooking and food history, so knowing the language would be a huge step!
I only speak English. I took French at school, but I cant remember any of it now. I would love to be able to speak another language, but I couldn't do with the process of learning one.
Russian is my choice.
I love the people, and at the moment I only know 3 words quite well.
I think I would be one of those 'painful people' who had to think hard on each word I say, in conversation!*?*#!#
But! I am still trying hard, and won't give up.....I love it, and one day when I go there,I will be able to say something!

I would love to. Learning Japanese at school and briefly at uni was great. You need the time to devote to this though.
I would love to learn a language. I learnt some Japanese at school, but dearly wished I could've learnt French. I was studying ballet at the same time, and ballet terms are all in French which gave me a strong love of the language (connecting it to an art form I already loved). It's on my bucket list to study it one day.
We are basicaly from south india. I knows tamil and hindi, other than english. I would love to learn french.
My new year's resolution is to learn at least 2 languages this year - I know 5, but am proficient in just 3. I want to perfect this skill and learn more - Spanish and Italian are my target languages this year :)
I would love to.When I was young, we used to come up with a language called magic language based on blocks and images.It used to be fun.
I did Latin, French and german at school.
I speak German anyway but it was amazing that the girls who did not speak it at home got a better mark than I did as my grammar was very poor due to being in a household where German was spoken often, but also while trying to learn English.
I have tried since to learn Japanese, as used to go to Japan on business, and also Italian.
I gave up on both -Japanese in particular, I found very difficult.
Even my German is not of much use anymore even in Germany.
by Finy
Already have learned French, German & Japanese.

Would love to learn Latin, as it's at the root of our English!
Will probably do 'The Great Courses' DVD of it, after I've finished the other 15 subjects am in the process of 'getting through'. Lol!
Too much work. I have other interests.
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