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Would you like to holiday in the outback?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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A walk on Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) in the Northern Territory
A walk on Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) in the Northern Territory

The Australian outback has a mystique about it but it can be as formidable as it is beautiful.

Would you like to holiday there? Would you drive or are you a fly in fly out person? Perhaps you fancy a trip on the Ghan?

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We have done a few outback holidays. We drove from Townsville to Mt Gambier and then up to Cairns via Birdsville and the across to Darwin as part of our trip around Australia (that was as far as we got though!)

Then we drove from Darwin to Brisbane Via Port Augusta and Melbourne when our daughter was 5 months old - we camped most of the way including at Ayers Rock - It's entirely possible that I breastfed my baby sitting in the chair in your picture!

I LOVE the outback - being so far from civilisation is amazing. I'm definitely a road trip person, but would also love a trip on the Ghan and would also love to go across the nullabor by train.
I love the outback too, it's the wide open space that gets me in. My husband and I have ventured out on a shorter trip since his illness to test how he'd go. We went to Hay from Melbourne and I loved the Hay Plain and the town.

It's a bit of a joke in our family now that my husband insisted if we saw nothing else in Broken Hill, it would be the Royal Flying Doctor base, which we did, never realising that inside 2 days he'd be on the grand RFDS 'tour' to Adeliade. So he definitely got to tick that off his list.
For me now, I would be taking a risk...so maybe not.
I would LOVE TOO! of course, but should have done it when younger.
That's a message to all ....get going, before it is too late..LOL :)
You are so right. My husband and I set off last year on the trip of a lifetime and had to abandon it when he fell gravely ill. He is doing better now and we are thinking of trying again.
by jonaja
Definitely not. Im not one for roughing it, and I'm definitely not one for heat.
Don't have to rough it these days...........just go 'glamping'!
As for the heat, it's a dry heat, with little humidity, which is much more comfortable.
Then again, this may not suit you.......
by donjo
Last year we did the drive from Melbourne to Coober Pedy, Uluru and Alice Springs. I only had 11 days before I had to be back at work so it was all we could fit in. It was our first big road trip and we caught the bug.

We planned a much bigger trip and set off in July but only got as far as Broken Hill before my husband became gravely ill and we had to abandon it. The RFDS flew him to Adelaide.

In September we drove up to Hay, again as far as we could go before I was due back at work.

We may head out again, we would certainy like to.
A trip on the Ghan sounds good to me. I would love to see the northern ends of Aus.
by Vee
I've always loved the outback! When I was a child my family would go on caravanning trips during the school holidays and often we'd travel through wild remote areas or camp at outback national parks, There is something truly magical about the wide open expanses of the outback, the vibrant colours and the big skies. At some very remote spots you feel as though you're the only person in the world! I don't really mind how I get there....to visit some very isolated spots flying is definitely more convenient if you have limited time while an extended road trip is also heaps of fun if you're not in a rush.
Not really no
Fortunately, have travelled extensively throughout Australia, by car, plane, train, ship.
But the BEST experience was staying at the Homestead at 'El Questro', outside of Kununurra.
Had the room jutting out over Chamberlain Gorge. Went horse riding, helicoptering, swimming, played Tennis, fishing. It was just the most! Would go back there in a jiffy!
A holiday in the Outback would be fantastic.
A trip on the Ghan would cap off a brilliant holiday to remember, we are lucky to have a unique country with both the Reef and Outback.
Why go overseas when we have such fantastic place to see on our own doorstep.

Hi Farley, yes, do try to do 'The Ghan' trip. And if cost suitable to you, go First Class, as shower in your twinette.
I've been on the 'Old Ghan' via Marree, & the 'New Ghan'.

If you catch the train 'bug', think about the 'Indian Pacific', too! Fantastic trip, especially the long 'Straight Stretch' across the 'Nullabor',
Happy travelling!
by donjo
Did a 7 day trip through 'The Pilbara' with a touring Company, 'Snappy Gums' in 1996.
It was very good accommodation, food & transport.

The Karijini Gorge & all the area around there, totally spectacular.
Saw Mt Tom Price Mine, one of their TWO KLM long, THREE engined trains coming back from
Dampier, swam in Fortescue River, Hammersley Gorge, Hancock Gorge, Marble Bar & Snake

There's just SO much to see! It's beautifully rugged!
I would love to but as neither my partner or I drive it would be somewhat difficult as we are the sort to "rough it" in more secluded areas rather than in areas that are highly touristy. I think we would happily holiday anywhere at the moment we could use it.
Yes I would as I think we have a unique country with large areas of nothingness.
There is something special about the red soil and solitude, It is special and is pretty unique when you compare it to the tropical reef as the direct opposite.

Travelled on a Group Trip from The Alice to Cairns, via Tanami Desert, Broome, Derby, Hall's Creek, Daly Waters, Katherine, Mataranka, Escott Station, Normanton, Croydon.

It took 25 days, & was marvellous to get an idea of where to travel in own 4WD.
Would love a trip up to The Centre to see all the attractions. I would prefer to go by Ghan and see the country as you go, Fred
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