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Would you keep your wedding ring after a divorce?

by Miyan (follow)
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from www.morguefile.com

A wedding ring is a representation of being married. It is also a symbol of love and commitment. But what happens to it after the break up of a marriage?

Notwithstanding its monetary value, will you keep your wedding ring after a divorce?

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I've never been divorced but I can imagine this could be a real issue for someone who is going through it. In my opinion, if the divorce was an amicable one and / or the ring was an heirloom in the ex's family I'd probably return it. It seems to be the fair thing to do. However, I probably wouldn't feel so generous if the divorce was a messy one, with him cheating or custody battles over kids.
On one occasion - an engagement ring, I kept it for a while in case any legal issues would arise - and then threw it away. On the second occasion as a widow, I threw my band in the Yarra river.
I did keep mine. I am the type of person who treasure things that mean a lot to me. The ring, however,has now become a symbol of a broken trust and will remain just an ornament together with my other collections.
I tried to keep my wedding ring for some time...then the pain set in.

So I had to sell it and got very little.

Now I would not ever sell it, but give to someone to melt down.

The mere thought of someone wearing my ring...makes me shudder!
I have not been divorced but, when my sister divorced her ex husband, she kept the ring and gave it to her eldest daughter. I thought that it was a nice gesture and showed her daughter that there was obviously once a loving relationship that she was the outcome of. It also helped my niece to deal with the divorce so it was a good thing.
I don't think it would be about monetary value. I think it would also matter on who left who. If I left, I'd keep it. If he left, I think I'd turf it.
But I'd also try to not decide until I was out of the think of it....you may regret giving it away (or selling it) down the track.
I kept my wedding band as it was a high quality gold from an overseas country with the intention to one day have it melted down and turned into something else as I have been remarried for quite a few years and it no longer causes me pain. It is now just a piece of jewellery to me.

out with the old, in with the new. After my divorce I took a trip to Cashies Memories I can do without :-)
It would somehow depend on the way the marriage ended, wouldn't it?
In most cases, yes I suppose. Although I still kept mine even if the ex-husband has conveniently lost his even during the marriage.
by Miyan
I put mine on my keyring. It was made of 10k gold (yes I had never heard of 10k either) and came from Target in the US. It got the respect it deserved.
Although I divorced under unhappy circumstances many years ago, I kept my wedding ring (as the ex kept his) so I can give it to my son at a later date to do with as he wishes. Although it no longer means the same thing to me, I believe that it will still have symbolic value for my son. Whether he chooses to keep it, re-set it or sell it on, the choice is his. by bakba
I am happily married and I haven't wore my wedding ring in years. I put weight on after I married and the ring got tight. I took it off and have never put it back. Hubby wears his around his neck on a chain, but I am not a jewellery person and I don't need a ring to show how I feel... it's in my eyes and in my actions, and that's more than enough.
Divorce isn't in my vocabulary, however, I guess I would eventually take my ring off if my wife passed away, because we only married "until death us do part" and I know both of us would like to see the other happy after our passing - including finding a new mate.
by kimp
I don't know, I've never divorced, I guess it depends on the circumstances if it was a nasty divorce then maybe I would get rid of it, it's really hard to say.
I kept mine after divorcing my first husband because I paid for it. It was the widest gold band the jeweller made and I had it cut in half and wore both bands on either side of any ring I was wearing
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