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Would you judge a child by their first name?

by Maria (follow)
Chief Editor at craftbuddies.hubgarden.com/ and niftynailart.hubgarden.com/
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Many parents will judge their children’s friends by their names. They see certain names as lower class and do not want their children to associate with them.

Would you judge a child or an adult by their name?

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It would make more sense to judge the parents who chose the name. I don't think I would, but to be honest I'm not sure which names are even supposed to be lower class. I hope I don't ever act that way and let my parents chose their friends based on their character rather than their names.
I would never judge a child by their name.

I have been aware of adults with some names but that's more nicknames.
Yes - but I probably judge the parents much more than the kid. It's not like they chose it...
Never ever !
by BK
Its not right to judge a child by their name. However, I think we may often judge subconsciously. Really, people of a certain status often tend to assign particular names to their children. We may not want our children to associate with others of backgrounds that may predispose them to getting into trouble. You may be concerned if your children carried home friends named Shaniqua, Latoya, Laquisha, Sha'Quonda or Fa'Nay Nay. You will start to think about the home they are coming from.
So in some cases we do judge children by their names whether we want to believe so or not, especially if they talk, act or dress accoridngly.
No. I judge their parents.
by Vee
Why on earth would I do that?
A child's name is of no meaning to me in any way, shape or form. As for judgement......pfffft!

I will call the child by the name the parents' have bestowed upon said child.

No more, no less!
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