Would you have sex in public?
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.

"2003-08-22 A-men" by Ildar Sagdejev via Wikimedia Commons
There is a BBC news story today saying that the British police are now taking a much more laid back approach to couples having sex in public. The way the story is written made it sound as if a lot of people are getting busy out in the open air and it made me wonder just how many people would have sex in public?
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In my wild teenage days, I have to admit I did have sex outside, though never in a public toilet! I can barely bring myself to use them for a wee never mind anything else.... but now as a grown up with a comfortable (warm) house with no disapproving parents around, I can't think of any reason why I would venture outdoors. Maybe this will change when we have a teenager of our own...
I think in the woods is ok , away from others.
Rather romantic.
Certainly not in built up areas,in public like toilets that's just yucky.
Personally, I have never done this. Would one day like to on a deserted but safe beach, LOL.
koff* try to avoid anywhere sandy, it can really feel like, well, sandpaper on bits you would never want to rub sandpaper ;) Pebbly beaches are best...
LOL! Thanks for the heads up VerityG!
Yes I have and yes I would again. To be honest I've gotten so little lately I'd probably do it just about anywhere lol! Although the idea of doing it in a public toilet is icky...
In my youth I did, but these days HELL NO. Sex isn't a spectator sport ....
Well, no. I would be concerned about some poor, innocent person taking a stroll and stubling upon a sight like that. Doesn't matter how fit and toned you are, still has the same impact as two dogs on the footpath outside the deli. Eyesore.
Not now, but when my boyfriend and I were young and lusty we certainly did - in our local woods (when the weather permitted) back in the UK. We were never caught luckily. In those days young people all lived at home so there wasn't much privacy to do the deed and you had to be somewhat inventive.
ID: 24982