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Would you go without deodorant?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by Anna Harris, sourced from Wikimedia Commons

My husband, the lucky goose, can go without deodorant even if he skips a shower. I, on the other hand, can shower as much as I want and still need the stuff. Scientists fear that the chemical ingredients contained in the overwhelming majority of commercial deodorants can trigger breast cancer. For this reason, I have recently opted for a crystal stick. Apparently, Cameron Diaz has not worn deodorant for twenty years! Gosh, I wish I could give it up altogether.

Would you go without deodorant? If so, do you use anything as a substitute? If not, are you afraid of the potential repercussions about dousing your pits with potential poison?

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I never use deodorant, I use coconut oil
Tracie, this is fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
by Vee
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. :(
by Vee
I use a deodorant every morning, but I don't sweat much, so don't need to worry if I don't use it.
I use Mitchums deodorant non-perfumed. Use to be that they said you could skip one whole day with this brand. However, I'm not willing to put it to the test. My best friend had read that aluminium in deodorants was the "problem" and left off the old underarm treatment for a week. I told her that she was now my second-best friend and would remain that way until she changed her mind.
It is not so much the lack of deodorant that is a problem, sometimes it is the fabric of the clothing you choose to wear. Also, you need to be very, very aware of the fact that sometimes you can't smell what is closest to you but other people certainly can.
Good question! I wear an unscented deodorant because I don't like perfumes in my personal care products. That is as far as I would go. I tried a crystal stick years ago, but found it wasn't effective in preventing perspiration.
I found they work better as deodorants than anti-perspirants, which is fine by me.
by Vee
The breast cancer link has been debunked. http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/antiperspirant.asp
But it is a good idea to be aware of the ingredients in the stuff you put on your skin.

I'm not afraid of deodorant, but I don't always use it because I just don't really care.

Do crystal sticks work? If so, how? I'm curious. At the moment I'm using a soy wax based deodorant because I liked that you could get it in pretty much any scent you could think of (currently I have patchouli and lemon). It'd be interesting to try and make your own and customise it to suit yourself.
It works for me. I'm not sure how exactly, but I've been happy with it thus far. As far as the link between the ingredients in deodorants and cancer goes, I'm sceptical about this so-called evidence. After all, science is not entirely infallible. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in science, I just have reservations about the people and money behind it.
by Vee
You mentioned that "scientists fear" it is dangerous, but now you don't believe that other scientists say that it's not. What is your source for your claim, and what do you think might be the motivations behind it?
I like the sound of the soya wax based deodorant...will have to check it out.
The source for my claim was a news article. I know, not all news articles are reliable either. The motives? I'm a pessimist, so worst case scenario, population control.
by Vee
I don't sweat much and therefore hardly ever use deodorant. I'm also pretty fussy about what I put on my skin for a variety of reasons...sometimes ethical (a lot contain animal ingredients and I'm vegetarian), part health (so many toxic chemicals go into a lot of popular products) and partly because I just don't think it's necessary.

These days we're so bombarded with the flashy advertising campaigns of big pharmaceutical companies that á lot of us are convinced we're not really clean unless we use their expensive and frequently toxic (for ourselves and the environment) products. I've met people who rarely use soap, washing liquid, deodorant and many other popular products and they're still perfectly clean...and possibly a lot healthier.
I am very much like your husband!
I own a deodorant though could count the number of times I have used it on one hand!
It is an organic one and I'm sure it expired years ago.

I can also not shower and still not need a deodorant -some people do not perspire -I do not know if this is good or bad, but we are how we are, and do we have a choice in this sort of thing!
by Finy
Oh my gosh Finy, you're so lucky. I had a shower this morning and, literally a couple of hourse later, my husband took a jab at me for 'not showering'. Arh.
by Vee
I use it.
I haven't used deodorant for over a month now. I used baking soda after I take a shower. It works. I just need to ensure that Its' spread evenly so that I don't miss a spot. Or you may get some green scent sneaking out. The downside for me is when I was using deodorant my armpits didn't sweat. Now, I've still not gotten used to the feeling of my armpits sweating. Additionally baking soda sometimes feel a little rough after you apply it. My wife suggested that I dilute some in water and apply it with a spray bottle.
What a good idea! I might give this a go next time I'm home alone, lest I should gas someone, LOL!
by Vee
Nope and if I did I couldn't go out in public.
Under NO circumstances!

I sweat like a p@&, & as such have about 15 different types of d/rants. I use what is going to be the best for my 'activity of the day'!

When I get home, strip 'shopping' clothes, & replenish powder & d/rant. Then into 'daggy gear' for house which is usually Bermuda-length shorts(stops chaffing) & tee-shirt.
Am very comfy then!
No. To qualify . . . I could not go OUT without it. I do use alternatives like lemon, coconut oil or a swipe of Isocol. I had a few days when my underam swelled and was painful so I couldn't use anything, so I stayed home.
by Rice
You stayed home? Wow. Yesterday, while out of the house, I noticed I was incredibly pongy but decided to go grocery shopping before heading home anyway. Admittedly, I was properly mortified but I don't think my nuisance pits would keep me at home.
by Vee
You know how it is, Vee . . . . if I had ventured out with gay abandon, I would have run smack into the last person on earth I needed to see in a semi reeking state of being. Bahahahaha!
by Rice
Hahahahaha, I understand. ;-)
by Vee
Rice, you're correct about 'Sod's Law'!
My late Mother told me to always be, at a minimum, presentable, when you leave the house, because you just don't know who'll you meet!

So I've just followed her wise words, & have been 'paid back' a few times, so I was pleased I was dressed appropriately.

I was at the Theatre. The Governor was in attendance, for this particular performance. Unbeknownst to me, she was seated in the middle of my row, & returned to her seat, from my end of row.
When I saw her entering the row, I rapidly stood up, to attention, bowed my head to her, saying, 'Good Evening, Your Excellency'. She graciously replied, & said 'thank you', for standing up, as it made it easier for her, & her ADC, to get passed me.
I felt very happy in the knowledge that I was 'dressed to the nines', appropriate for this particular event.
by donjo
Wonderful, donjo! So proud you impressed her. (I had to rescue a friend of mine who had driven her kids to school in her pyjamas and promptly run out of petrol.)
by Rice
The real problem is not deodorant, it is soap. Without soap you skin has a natural symbiosis with healthy bacteria that keep the bad stinky bacteria away. Every time you use soap, you kill all the bacteria, leaving your skin vulnerable to invasion by bad bacteria, which smells after a day, so to maintain the soap lifestyle, you need to kill the bacteria every day and leave your skin vulnerable in order to prevent the bad bacteria smell. To end this, stop using soap on your skin (with the exception of washing your hands for food amd bathroom) and in a few weeks your skin will stabilise and regain the healthy bacterial symbiosis that we evolved to have, and you won't ever need deodorant again. I have been soap free for 15 years, and only produced armpit smells while I was lactating. It took about 2 weeks for my skin to adjust. I recommend starting in the winter.
Ooo, interesting. Am I game enough to try it? I'll be back...Thanks for sharing. :-)
by Vee
I have to wear deodorant or tend to have underarm odor. It was horrible for years when I was allergic to everything and tried to use that "rock" deodorant which didn't work. I finally figured out that I am not allergic to Secret, Powder Fresh. I am so happy and that is what I wear every day. Going without deodorant for me is just embarrassing.
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