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Would you go to Mars?

by Vee (follow)
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Image created for NASA by Space Telescope Science Institute. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons

NASA has recently revealed its 'Tron spacesuit', which will be used on the first manned mission to Mars in 2023. The arduous journey to the red planet will take somewhere between seven and eight months, and the astronauts will never return to earth.

Would you make this journey? Could you say goodbye to your family and friends forever in order to serve this ‘greater good’? Do you think those who undertake the journey are selfish or selfless?

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I have to say it is a
one way ticket! There is no return flight.
I feel it is only when they take off, it could be quite harrowing.
Then they will fully understand their lives are sealed.
Wouldn't want to be on that trip at all, don't care how well prepared.

What happens when you get there?
How long have you got to live?

I can not imagine what the families of these people going, would think.
Never to see your loved ones ever again.
''Ah the folly of man''.
Great response.
by Vee
"Oh brave new world, that hath such people in it!" I certainly hope they are picking strong minded people unlikely to succumb to cabin fever, paranoia or regret. No amount of science fiction movies will prepare a person for facing Mars in reality.
by Rice
:) :)
by jonaja
Probably not. Still so much to see here.
Now, at the age I am with the commitments I have, no. Fifteen years ago, maybe. I'm quite excited that this mission is finally happening.
No way could I leave my family and friends forever!
That's a tough call. Undertaking such a journey would be a dream come true to many. Being unable to return to Earth unbearable. I wouldn't do it. Be interested to see other answers to this.
I refuse to go on a plane, so you can imagine how I would feel about a spaceship.
I hear they are a godawful small affair. ;)
Mission to Mars? Absolutely. Never return? No way! Does that mean it is a suicide mission or just that live out the rest of their days on Mars?
by kimp
No, nothing like that. They'll just live out the rest of their days on Mars. More people will be sent once the first lot arrive.
by Vee
I think this would be an amazing experience, but a claustrophobic one. I can't say I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't jump at the chance to do it either.
I don't think so, at least not for a long time till they worked out what was on there.

It would be too risky and it appears there is not really much on there, so what would be the point to go.
by Finy
To colonise the place, I suppose. They intend on building environments in which plants can grow so they can sustain a human population. I imagine the powers that be have realised that planet earth will one day be uninhabitable and have started making arrangements to ensure the survival of the human race.
by Vee
That's a 'no' from me!
Scaredy cat to the nth degree! Like to keep with reasonal bounds of our lovely Blue Planet.
Altitude 40k feet is ample for me!
Conversely, probably wouldn't do what James Cameron did....35k feet down into Marianas Trench. He's got more guts than I, Gunga Din!
Holy cow! You wouldn't get me under the water. No no no no no no.
by Rice
I know, right! I wouldn't do it either. But it would be awesome to see the depths of the ocean.
by Vee
That's a NO from me, Simon.
by Rice
Rice, you crack me up!
by Vee
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