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Would you go to an art exhibition that featured nudes?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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woman statue, nude, nude statue
Image from Morguefile.

The 2013 Bundaberg Arts Festival removed a full frontal nude from its photography section, and festival organisers have announced that no nude photography will be allowed in the 2014 festival. The reasoning given was that some visitors would stay away if they knew there would be nude photographs exhibited.

What do you think? Would you go to an art exhibition where there would be photographs or paintings of nudes?

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Yes, I would. Given that there is a tradition of nudes in art that stretches back thousands of years it seems really odd to me that anyone objects to them. It's just the human body. There's nothing obscene about it. Everyone has one.
Sure, why not. There's nothing inherently offensive about the human body, and as with any work of art, If there is something that does not appeal to me, I'd just keep walking.
by Vee
I would go and I would have no problem with it. Not sure how comfortable I would feel if my hubby was with me though.
It depends on how graphic/explicit the nudity is. Statues are fine, life drawings are fine, and classic paints such as Renaissance art, religious works, etc, are not a problem.

If it is more pornographic or explicitly sexual, then no. I don't have anything against it, I just wouldn't want to see it.
I would. Might be better than a normal art exhibition.
Yes, of course I would.

Why would you not -it is a natural thing and as long as it is done tastefully, I would be happy to go.

I have some beautiful paintings of nudes in my bedroom -all women.
by Finy
Yes, no problem with it!
Some of THE most beautiful paintings & sculptures, are of nudes!
I'd be hypocritical if I said no as my son has been a life model for years. There are some beautiful depictions of nudes, both in art and sculpture, which have been done through the years - just look at the Grecian sculptures. However, like Bryony, anything pornographic just wouldn't interest me and would make me feel a tad uncomfortable.
Certainly. My brain doesn't equate nudes in art with pornography and the great masters seem to use Rubenesque women which keeps it real.
by Rice
The censoring of Art against Nudes, is appalling. To think that to satisfy a few against the majority, using nudism in art, the natural way before clothing was invented, and have an art exihibition ...no wait, half an art exhibition only, is sad.

Like what happend to your eye muscles, and legs. Nude famous ridicously worth millions so it must be good art piece is too much for you to walk past?

David Angello, and every nude sculpture in every Church, and etc etc, everywhere, surely history and the arts can't be so wrong since the dawn of time that you will boycotte a whole exhibition.
There are 'art' forms I consider a waste of paint, but I still visit galleries and enjoy the 'art' I do enjoy. When will we stop listening to wowsers?
Or sculptures? YES I would still go & see the exhibition. They wouldn't have them in an exhibition, if they weren't beautiful.
by Miro
P.S. There's now, (in Nov '16) a nude exhibition from London's Tate gallery, at the AGNSW. My husband & I will go & see it, & we'll have lunch down stairs at the gallery, or in the Domain. It's on for a few months. This exhibition includes The Kiss by Rodin. I'm looking forward to see the exhibition.
by Miro
It wouldn't bother me going to an exhibition with nude photography or statues.
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