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Would you go to a restaurant alone?

by Mihaela Schwartz (follow)
Women (53)      Eating out (23)     
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Some women hesitate sitting down in a restaurant and having lunch on their own. Others do it regularly. Which type are you?

#Eating out
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I enjoy the solitude of dining alone. Take a book and order your favourite dish, it's a great thing to do!
For lunch I'm fine with it. When I worked in the city, I regularly took lunch breaks alone and went out to eat. It was a great break from the office!
I am more than happy to take myself out to lunch or for a coffee.
I like doing it every now and then because to be honest - I am not bad company!
I wouldn't go out solely to have lunch on my own, but if I was at the shop and feeling peckish, I wouldn't hesitate to have lunch by myself.
by Vee
It doesn't bother me at all if I'm hungry enough, or travelling.
The type that has only done it once!

I really did enjoy the food I had, and it was just a small
amount.I think one other person was in this little cute cafe.
Have not done it again since, that was about 24 years ago.
Yep, when I'm hungry I'm hungry! I've been known to take myself out on dates, regardless of whether I'm in a relationship or not.
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