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Would you go swimming with sharks?

by meggf (follow)
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Hammerhead sharks in Cocos Island, Costa Rica - Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Swimming with sharks is a popular tourist activity in a number of places. Would YOU do it?

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I think I'd like a cage dive with them depending on what sort of shark they were. Great whites are cranky, but grey nurse sharks are pretty harmless so I'd go for a slow paddle about them. And I'd LOVE to see hammerheads as well, but I'd need more information about that to determine whether a cage or a cage free dive would be best.
No, I wouldn't but that's more to do with my total inability to swim than anything to do with sharks :)
I think they are a fascinating and misunderstood species, so if offering swimming with them helps educate people about them then it's great. So long as it doesn't interfere with their natural wild lifestyles.
Not on purpose!
I would do it if I was in a metal cage.
by Gia
by Vee
No chance...well not the ones that bite anyway, they are beautiful creatures but scare me too, so I have no intention of confronting this fear. I've swam with nurse sharks in Mexico but to go in a cage near a great white isn't something I'd be signing up for.

No thanks. I don't allow sharks to come into my personal space so I'll pay them the respect they deserve by staying out of theirs!
Actually I did just 3 years ago. It was a white shark cage diving experience and would do it again. I found a new form of respect for those animals and now find them incredibly beautiful.
I've swum with seals and that was wonderful and they come and look at you and they are awesome in the water.But sharks why would you want to they scare the hell of me never in November do I swim in the ocean
I would love to go snorkelling with the huge and harmless whale sharks off Ningaloo Reef, WA, but not with any nasty ones.
by Lucy
no thanks, I like my body parts
No way!
No way!
No and I think we should respect them and stay out of their space. Otherwise it is only a matter of time before someone gets bitten or worse, which gives the government an excuse to go on another killing spree.
No it doesn't interest me.
No I don't think so. I have a mate who scuba dives with them.
No. Just plain not interested.

But I'd love to swim with those 'gentle giants in WA!
Wouldn't mind being with manta-rays somewhere as well!
Palau with the millions of NON-stinging jellyfish would be an experience!
Yes! Been there, done that and photos to prove, just not on this PC. No cage, just two of us and the fishies, really really big fishies. As an extreme birthday treat as it is right up there as a fave, and hopefully I will keep coming up with new ideas every year.
Here fishy fishy fishy.......
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