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Would you give up your house for a million dollar mansion?

by BK (follow)
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Source:Flickr:Kay Gaensler

If you ever win a lottery and your prize is a million dollar mansion, would you give up your current house?

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Nope, I would take the mansion and sell it.... then find a house I like and move into that instead :)
There's more than one way to skin a cat...
Maybe. I'd think about selling the mansion and using the money to do up my own home (with plenty left over). I like this place.
No, we built a climate/environmentallly friendly cottage many years ago, we love it, and costs hardly anything for heating,cooling.
The bigger the house, the more work and upkeep, but sadly anywhere in Oz. now, a million $ would only get a rather small 'mansion'
If I won, I'd sell it and enjoy the $
In a heartbeat!

Not keen on the one in the pic...lol....but it would do! :)
Yes! But only if I could also afford the upkeep of a mansion.
I would think about it. Maybe the one in the photo
I saw in a movie that the wife does not want to give up their house for a totally awesome mansion because they have memories in their house. It got me thinking what if this was a real life situation?
I am not sure what would I do. It depends on the mansion and so many other things. But I am taking it for sure, LOL !
by BK
I might for a beautiful house like that !
Yes probably!
Oh yes, I would. At least would not to have go through the process of looking, evaluating, negotiating and then buying!

Yes. Faster than you could say direct deposit.
Haha I like that !
by BK
Ohhhhh alright, why not! I have to say I do love this house, but I could keep it AND the mansion surely!
I will keep both of them :)
by Rory
would not say no to winning, probably would sell as it would cost too much to maintain.
What VerityG said.
by Vee
I like smaller houses where we can see each other all the time and get on each others nerves. :-)
by Gia
Yes oh course I would in a flash
It would depend on how rooted I am in my current place of residence. If I have a job I love, and moving to the million dollar mansion meant that I had to give up my job, I would think twice. I like VerityG's idea, and would probably go along that path myself.
Only if I was allowed to sell the mansion. Oh what I could do with a million dollars.
No, I wouldn't but I would give it up for a different sort of house, what would I do with a mansion? you would definately need cleaners for that and maybe a gardener,
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