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Would you ever work in Social Work?

by pippa (follow)
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Image from socialworkpersonnel.com.

Does social work appeal to you?

Would you ever work or consider working in social work?

#Youth work
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Not really, no. I greatly admire what social workers do but I don't think I could do it. There's a high burn out rate.
No I wouldn't. When I was a teacher, I had a job in an area of high deprivation and felt that most of my job was social work rather than teaching (the rest was crowd control and policing, with a little bit of minister thrown in for good measure) and it wasn't right for me at all. I got so upset by what the children were experiencing and couldn't switch off from it and ended up on the brink of a nervous breakdown as a result. Very very tough job. I have enormous admiration for those who do it.
I did a few years ago, and it was rewarding...but it also drains one too.
The turn around rate for some is 4-5 yrs, depending on the work.
Men are not as common in the job, and you hear-see just about it all.
Not a perfect job, by any means....but one that is very much and always will be needed.

I could not have lasted much longer, and was very happy I sold my house...and moved to Sydney, to have a new start with Job and home.
Even if I was 10-15 yrs younger....I would maybe think twice now, if I wanted to do that job again.
I have worked in children's mental health for 16 years now. It has been very rewarding, but extremely draining at the same time. I have switched jobs many times due to burn out (or moving). After becoming a mother I had much more difficulty dealing emotionally with the life stories of the children and families I would counsel. I am actually ready for a change again after 5 years of doing the same job now. I feel I have done my best and given what I have to give, but need to move on. I think I can find another, less direct, way to help. I have very much enjoyed the work and getting to know so many kids and parents. I look back on it fondly, but know I am just about tapped out.
Probably wouldn't be my thing, but admire those that do work in this area
No. I understand the need, and all the good that could be done, but I don't have the temperament for it. I already find my current job too hard to handle because of the level some people sink to. Yeah, no thanks.
No, I've not the patience for that type of work!
No. I have worked FOR social workers and found that they spent far, far too much time in meetings. Meetings for everything. So many meetings that there was no time for any work to get done. Also, I felt that they were a bit work shy.
Definitely not. I worked in the medical field for a large part of my career and that included working with social workers. I feel that the training social workers are given does not really equip them to work in the "real" world. I used to feel that some of the ideas they came up with were totally unrealistic. Also, all they seemed to do was have meetings each and every day - I always felt it was such a waste of taxpayers money!
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