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Would you ever take part in a political rally?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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political rally
Image courtesy of Takver / Wikimedia Commons

While many Australians consider political rallies to be near-extinct relics from the protest era of the late 1960s and early 70s, from time to time they still appear on our streets, raising public awareness about and challenging government policies on diverse issues such as environmentalism, human rights, education and the welfare system.

What is your opinion of political rallies? Do you think that they raise awareness about topical issues in our society in a favourable way, and do they effectively influence government decision-makers? Would you ever take part in one?

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I have been to a few. I will no doubt go to them again, though it's harder at the moment because I have to bring my children with me.
Just a quick question Jennifer....were the children not scared of all the 'chanting' and noise, when you took them with you?
by jonaja
No, I suppose that could potentially happen depending on the rally but these were very sedate ones.
Yes, my family and I went to a march against Monsanto. It was our first rally and we all enjoyed the experience.
It's not my thing, even if I was passionate about a topic. I'm more of a letter writer.
I have taken part in them in the past and will do in the future. Unfortunately I think the media plays a huge part in their "success" and if they are not onboard with reporting them the message is not spread to a broader community. Those at the rally already know what they are on about so media coverage is crucial in spreading a message
Definitely, if I felt strongly enough about something. Over the years I've attended quite a few rallies protesting about environmental and human rights issues.
I would take part in a political rally, if it was for a cause I felt passionately about, but sadly my health means it's not an option for me.
Yes I would
Yes, joined the many thousands who marched against following Bush into Iraq
Walked with protesters against little ticky tacky houses being built on food producing land.
We thought we had won,but of course we rarely do.
Yes, I consider it part of my duty of care. Doesn't everybody.
I have never been in one, but remember oh! so well all the ones in Sydney during the Vietnam war, and I was watching on the footpath.

I would be in one 'if' it was something like the Government would allow 'Sharia Law' for muslims, or muslims wanting Christians banned from areas in Sydney where (they) shop in large numbers(Lakemba) etc.

Anything to do with a Big change to this amazing Country imposed by another group, from another Country....I will be there! every single time......seriously.

I do think P.R's do raise effective awareness, I think people are sick and tired of being told to shut-up-and-put-up.
I would be too intimidated. I have never been good in crowds. Letters and petitions are more in my line.
by Rice
Yes, have been, & would do so again, if the need was present.
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