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Would you ever consider swimming with dolphins?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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dolphins, swim with dolphins, dolphin swim

Have you ever swum with dolphins either at a sea life park or out in the wild? If not, would you consider it?

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I haven't ever had a swim with Dolphins.

Would I ever do it! Y E S I would Love too.
Could not imagine anything so wonderful in the water, as swimming with
those amazing creatures!!!

It would be a dream come true.
There's another 2014 thing to do, for meeeeeee!!
It is the most amazing experience Jonaj and I think everyone should try it at least once. I have chased dolphins around the world and every opportunity I get to swim with them. Now I even drag junior with me.
Oh! you are so lucky, that inspires me to do it! and take my grandchildren... :)
LOVE it.
by jonaja
My mum has always liked dolphins so she usually takes me in with her for the dolphin swims that she does
Absolutely. When I was pregnant, I went to a sea life park and got a kiss from one. They were really friendly with me, and the trainer said that they can sense when somebody is pregnant, which I find absolutely amazing. They are such beautiful creatures.

My brother is a windsurfer and was lucky enough to come across two dolphins in the wild on Lake Macquarie a few months back. He said they watched him and were as interested in him as he was with them. They came right up to him and stayed with him for a few minutes before something else caught their attention and off they went. Lucky guy.
I've heard it is an amazing experience.

I can't say I am all that fond of swimming, but throwing dolphins into the mix definitely makes it more appealing. I would never consider actually looking for the opportunity to swim with dolphins, but if someone came up to me and offered the experience, I wouldn't turn it down.
Definitely. Especially after having a chance to feed then at Tin Can Bay almost 12 months ago.
Does it interfere with the dolphins' natural behaviour in a way that's bad for them? If not, then sure, I suppose.
My experience has been that any companies who organise dolphin swims follow very strict guidelines. Many of the dolphins that are in sea life parks are there because they were either born there or were injured and brought into the sea life park. In most cases releasing them back into the ocean would mean an almost certain death. I went on a swim with dolphins in the wild tour in New Zealand, but the tour operator would not let us in the water because the dolphin pod we found had babies with them.
Dolphins seem to like human contact,from what I have seen.They are also very
inquisitive animals, it could be a win-win experience.
by jonaja
I got addicted to swimming with dolphins about 12 years ago, when I first did it in Xcaret Archaelogical Park in Cancun, Mexico. The feeling you get being near the dolphins is impossible to put into words. Their energy is so beautiful and pure. I have done several swims since then in another part of Mexico, in Hawaii and looking forward to doing one soon at Forster.
I've been swimming with dolphins near Sorrento on the Mornington Peninsula. It was an absolutely stunning day and very enjoyable. We also swam with seals. Awesome fun!
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