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Would you ever consider a sea change or a tree change?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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//As our cities get bigger, more violent and more polluted, many people contemplate making a sea change (moving somewhere close to the ocean) or a tree change (relocating to the country) at some point in their lives. Would you ever consider leaving the 'Big Smoke' and moving to a small regional community? Would you do it when you were young and single, when your children are young or when you retire?//

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Surely there is somewhere you can have both. I would love to move to the seaside, but I would also like to move to the countryside so we can have animals.
by Vee
Think about it all the time, however it probably be a tree change in an elevated area like a mountain with a view of the sea! ;)
Would love a sea/tree change but access to regular work/schools makes it a bit tricky right now. Ideally, writing, painting and/or farming full time is probably the answer.
by Lucy
Have been there, done that -went to a country seaside town on 5 acres for about 10 years.
It was great but in the end it was too much work as was on my own, so I moved back to suburbia.
I do still sometimes miss that "sea change" however -we were on a river with a lake on the other side and it was quite peaceful.

by Finy
Would LOVE Sea.
Tooooo expensive!

I would then do a Tree change, have to settle for second best.
Tree's are nice?
I'd love a sea change but not yet, too much in the big city to see and do so I'll stick around for a while longer.
How about both - a tree change at a river side.
'Tree Change' for me, with a permanently-flowing pretty creek! I love 'the bush' & the greenery, solitude, birds' chirping in the trees.
Oh hell, I want to buy one NOW!
Never the sea but bring on the trees!
by Rice
Yes, my husband, son and I moved from the bustle of Edinburgh to a small village in Norfolk, England. After several years we decided to make another "change" by migrating to Australia - first of all Melbourne, and then, twenty five years later, to Brisbane. Haven't regretted any of the "changes" (or should I say "challenges").
Yes and I did.
I bought a small hobby farm in NZ and raised sheep cattle, briefly a few pigs and of course chickens for fresh eggs.
Sadly I had heart surgery, lost a a wife to cancer and had to sell it.
But always wish for a few acres and a bit of space should I be fortunate to repeat the lifestyle. It was fantastic and learning things from my neighbours about caring for the animals.
I even did haymaking and planted a small orchard of assorted fruit trees - Heaven!!!
Yes and I did.
I bought a small hobby farm in NZ and raised sheep cattle, briefly a few pigs and of course chickens for fresh eggs.
Sadly I had heart surgery, lost a a wife to cancer and had to sell it.
But always wish for a few acres and a bit of space should I be fortunate to repeat the lifestyle. It was fantastic and learning things from my neighbours about caring for the animals.
I even did haymaking and planted a small orchard of assorted fruit trees - Heaven!!!
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