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Would you enjoy living in a large house like this one?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikipedia

Would you enjoy living in a large house like this one?

#Large house
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Unless I had live in people to look after it NO.
And then again, if i had live in people I would not be happy as have turned into a real loner.

I have what I think is quite a large place for one person though no where near as large as my last place in the country.
It is not huge but quite big enough for one person with 3 bedrooms and a spare small lounge - which was the reason I bought it as I have my computer and tv etc in there....

So while that house looks nice, I would not like to live in it - I also do not like two storey houses as hated going up and down all the time when I had one.
by Finy
It looks way to big for me. I wouldn't like it if I was responsible for all the cleaning. I just don't think there is a need for a large home, unless you have a large family. Bigger isnt always better!!!
No way.
As lovely as it looks from the outside. I think it would feel more like living in a museum.
by Rice
Toooo big, toooo much to clean.
It looks way to big for me. I wouldn't like it if I was responsible for all the cleaning. I just don't think there is a need for a large home, unless you have a large family. Bigger isnt always better!!!
Sorry for the multiple responses, guys. I was having trouble submitting my answer and now they have been sent all at once. Wouldn't you know it ?
by Lluxi
It looks way to big for me. I wouldn't like it if I was responsible for all the cleaning. I just don't think there is a need for a large home, unless you have a large family. Bigger isnt always better!!!
It looks way to big for me. I wouldn't like it if I was responsible for all the cleaning. I just don't think there is a need for a large home, unless you have a large family. Bigger isnt always better!!!
It looks way too big to me. I wouldn't like it, if I was the one responsible for cleaning it. I don't think that there is any point to a large house, unless you have a large family to fill it. All those rooms unused. Bigger is not always better.
I actually think it would give me the creeps. I like the look of it though.
by Rice
No. The cost to keep the place going and the cleaning. Not for me!

that looks awesome, I would give it a go, I am sick of living in a "shoebox" and no space for my possessions or entertainment - mind you I would still like to be close to amenities like shops and public transport etc....
Yes! I'd love to live in a house like this just to give it a try. If I hated it I could always move :)
Too big for one person unless one has hired help. I'd give it a go though.
It's a beautiful building. I have never lived in such a grand home, so wouldn't mind giving it a go . I doubt I could keep up with the housework and garden. One of the reasons I wouldn't like a big home is because it would be selfish not to share it with family or people in need. But I would prefer to live alone.
Absolutely .. as long as I have a gardener and a cleaner to go with it!
I think its too big for me. If I had cleaners I might change my mind
by AJ
Yes, I'm with everyone else. Lovely to look at, but I'd need someone to clean it, & my knees would suffer from walking & running up & down all those stairs, I'm sure the house would have! We were visiting a tall house in India for a wedding nearly 4 years ago, which was 5 stories, with 2/3 rooms on each floor. The wedding party & guests were only using the top floor. It also had a lift & of cause a staircase. It was just as well it had the lift, because the brides mother had fallen in the street, a couple of weeks before the wedding & her ankle was so bad she was in a wheelchair for the wedding, so of cause she needed the lift to get out of the house.
by Miro
The house is much too big for two people. I would quickly get tired of the stairs and the problems involved in getting things up and down them. I wouldn't have enough furniture etc to fill it and I have taken years to declutter so wouldn't want to acquire more possessions. On the other hand I wouldn't want empty rooms with no furniture. So, a house this size is not on my wish list.
No - not by myself. Apart from the cleaning nightmare, I'd worry that someone could come in and you wouldn't know it.
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