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Would you eat fugu, the dish made from the poisonous pufferfish?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Food (698)      Cooking (175)      Safety (52)     

Pufferfish (Image by rupertjefferies via morgueFile)
Pufferfish (Image by rupertjefferies via morgueFile)

Fugu is the Japanese dish made from the pufferfish and served as sahimi. So poisonous is the pufferfish that in Japan and several other countries the preparation of fugu is controlled by law. Only the most experienced chefs can be trusted to skillfully remove the toxic parts of the fish, which if consumed can be lethal.

Would you be game to eat fugu? Under what circumstances?

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Top Answers
No. I'm not a fan of eating fish at the best of times but raw is definitely a big no and raw and dangerous - not a chance!
how on earth was this discovered? doesn't interest me, toying with something that dangerous is simply incomprehensible.... russian roulette is safer!
A diner dropped dead at the table!
by donjo
nice reply ! love it...
by brigi
Nobody would ever convince me to take a chance on a food, that poorly prepared, could put me in my coffin.
No, I don't think so. A food would have to taste pretty amazing to consider risking my life to eat it and sashimi doesn't appeal to me at all.
No thank you!
Nope never
If I was terminally ill and know that the end is coming anyway then I just say why not, its not like I have anything to lose. Otherwise NOOOO WAAAY
by Gia
No I would not and I do not understand how a poisonous fish can even be served....doesn't make any sense!
by Finy
Death wish, somewhat?

Life can be 'shirty' sometimes, but NOT enough to eat a POSSIBLY well-prepared lethal fish-dish!

No it's not on my list of meals to "try out on the family". Imagine if you poisoned your entire family. Inconvenient +++++
Just think of the paperwork, at a minimum!
by donjo
What if you were on clear the table and sweep the crumbs duty that night.
by fran.
Not if there was a greasy, battered fried piece of flake I could opt for
Lol! Just gold, Fran!
by donjo
I'm vegetarian, so the answer is definitely no....not even taking the risk of poisoning into account.
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