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Would you date someone from work?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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We tend to see our work colleagues more often than our family and friends. It does not come as a surprise that regular contact can sometimes lead to romance.

What do you think of dating someone from work? Do you think mixing business and pleasure is the perfect recipe for disaster, or is work a natural place to meet someone special?

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Many years ago I dated someone from work. I know it can work out for many people but you will be the focus of office gossip and you should definitely think about it before jumping in. You also end up talking about work when you're outside the office. My lovely husband is not related to my work in anyway and that suits me just fine.
I married someone I worked with :-)
I think as long as you don't become a serial workplace dater, then why let the fact that you work with someone stand in the way of true love. But I've seen the occasional person literally work their way through the workforce, and whilst that is all good fun (and hell, why not!) it can mean that they develop a bit of a reputation and aren't taken as seriously.
No way. Wish to keep work and private lives separate. I would not risk my career, especially if things go pear shaped. Then again, this bravery has worked for many people. If you're not too attached to your work, go for it.
I did and it's working out fine! As long as you remember to leave work at work.
by WSW
Perfect recipe for a huge disaster... to date someone from work.

If it go's bad after a time....who is going to have to move and find another job?

Work is work......outside of it, you can have a totally private world.

Could you imagine 'if' you both had a fight....how would you be able to go into work?
Me an my partner met at our workplace ann have been in a strong happy relationship for 5years an many more to come
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