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Would you continue buying frozen berries?

by BK (follow)
Berries (3)      hepatitis A (1)     

There is an outbreak of hepatitis A from eating frozen berries. Five cases have already been reported in Queensland. Did that scare you enough to not buy frozen berries again?
Source: Frozen berries hepatitis A outbreak

#hepatitis A
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I guess I am too scared to buy these now. I was exactly going to buy Nanna's berries mix just a day before I saw this in newspaper. But I was so overloaded that I decided to come back later. I don't know if I should trust frozen fruit again ?
by BK
It's probably the safest time to buy them right now since they will be being checked more carefully before they are sold. I'm not really into buying frozen berries anyway.
Cases like this are usually down to one bad batch which then gets recalled, so it wouldn't stop me.
I have only ever bought them 2 times in maybe 40 years of doing the shopping.

Not something I'm keen on....so no great loss for us.

Gosh, I hadn't heard about this risk - I was just thinking about buying some frozen berries actually! It seems like a very convenient way to buy them..... but not if I end up in hospital. Hmmm, I will have to look into it now!
I do not buy these brands anyway and buy from a local firm called Frozberries who are Australia wide. Yes, I would go on buying this brand as I am sure they will all be tested now and recalled if not OK.

I have these blended with a banana every few mornings for breakfast, and it is both healthy and delicious so would not stop as I am sure they will be thoroughly checked now.

It was probably only one batch anyway.
by Finy
Yes but I'd be more cautious.
by Gia
We didn't buy them in the first place. The hepatitis outrbreak is a wake up call though. We need to be careful obout buying product from areas that do not maintain acceptable health standards.
Nope, it takes very little to turn me off.
I totally get it !
by BK
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